Android 4.4.2 Release Nexus 5 Camera Update



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Never miss a moment with Google Camera, and take fantastic pictures and videos using features such as Portrait, Night Sight, and the video stabilization modes.

Download Pixel Camera 4.4.020... Android APK File

Official Camera app for Google devices. Download and install old versions of Pixel Camera that suits your device model and enjoy your favorite features! • Night ...

Download Camera for Android for android 4.4.2

Download free Camera 5.0.7 for your Android phone or tablet, file size: 11.69 MB, was updated 2024/11/01 Requirements:android: 5.0 Key Lime Pie or above.

Download Google Camera for android 4.2.2

Never miss a moment with Google Camera, and take fantastic pictures and videos using features such as Portrait, Night Sight, and the video stabilization modes.

Google camera for android 4.4.2 download

Google camera for android 4.4.2 download ... Apps run immediately after an update is installed. Resume on rebootPick up right where you started.

Pixel Camera 2.7.010 (2617962-30) (arm

Pixel Camera 2.7.010 (2617962-30) (arm-v7a) (nodpi) (Android 4.4+) APK Download by Google LLC - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads. DOWNLOAD · DESCRIPTION · ALL VARIANTS

Pixel Camera (Android 4.4+) APKs

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Clarification Google Camera 2.5.052 By Google LLC Android 4.4+?

So does every Android device running Lollipop have the new Camera 2 API? Yes and no. While Camera2 API is the new standard Camera API since ...

Google camera 4.4 for any arm device

Hi. I've installed you apk on a i9505 with a 7.1 ROM, Camera2 api do works because i can launch and take photos with Camera2 Api ...


它於於Google Play Store發布,用於Android 4.4或更高版本,在2016年2月17日取消公開化。 Google Camera. 開發者 · Google. 首次發布, 2014年4月16日.


NevermissamomentwithGoogleCamera,andtakefantasticpicturesandvideosusingfeaturessuchasPortrait,NightSight,andthevideostabilizationmodes.,OfficialCameraappforGoogledevices.DownloadandinstalloldversionsofPixelCamerathatsuitsyourdevicemodelandenjoyyourfavoritefeatures!•Night ...,DownloadfreeCamera5.0.7foryourAndroidphoneortablet,filesize:11.69MB,wasupdated2024/11/01Requirements:android:5.0KeyLimeP...