

Download. GCam-5.1.018-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.3b1.apk. for the -Android- Utilities, by Romeshwar. Click Here to Start Download.

Download Pixel Camera 5.1.018... Android APK File

Official Camera app for Google devices. Download and install old versions of Pixel Camera that suits your device model and enjoy your favorite features! • Night ...

Google Camera update 5.1.018

Do I need to root to use this and will I notice any difference in camera quality? Try it out. You will find out that in certain conditions you get better ...

下載Google Camera apk 免費版

Google camera lets you easily take photos and videos easily, and provide Photo Sphere, panoramic lens blur and other creative photo mode.

Pixel Camera (READ NOTES)

Never miss a moment with the fully redesigned Pixel Camera, and take fantastic photos and videos using features like Portrait, Night Sight, Time Lapse, and ...

Pixel Camera APK Download by Google LLC

About Pixel Camera Never miss a moment with Google Camera, and take fantastic pictures using features such as HDR+ and Smartburst. Features • ...


Added forced Pixel2016tuning config to settings - the only pixel HDR+ config in which autofocus works after using touch-focus. Support: For GCam support, a ...


By Arnova8G2. Download: GCam-5.1.018-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.3b1.apk. Changelog: Shared by Arnova8G2 on XDA, donate to him.

Nokia 5.1 plus 有人安裝成功google camera 嗎?

請問你裝在Nokia 5.1Plus的google camera apk 在哪下載,或哪個版本,因為youtube上的影片,我完全看不懂哪個版本,謝謝。

Google Camera mod 5.1.018

Features are same as stock Camera + google camera features available in older versions. Portrait mode and hdr+ requires proper camera2api implemented.


Download.GCam-5.1.018-Pixel2Mod-Arnova8G2-V8.3b1.apk.forthe-Android-Utilities,byRomeshwar.ClickHeretoStartDownload.,OfficialCameraappforGoogledevices.DownloadandinstalloldversionsofPixelCamerathatsuitsyourdevicemodelandenjoyyourfavoritefeatures!•Night ...,DoIneedtoroottousethisandwillInoticeanydifferenceincameraquality?Tryitout.Youwillfindoutthatincertainconditionsyougetbetter ...,Googlecamera...