
New ways to customize Chrome on your desktop

You can test out different colors, themes and settings in real time by opening a new tab in Chrome and clicking the “Customize Chrome” icon in the bottom right ...

Chrome 線上應用程式商店

True Dark Black Theme, easy for the eyes, fitted for any type of display, but especially for Amoled screens. Slinky 典雅. 4.7 (5645).

Free Google Chrome Themes

Download my free custom chrome themes for Google. My themes are updated regularly too. Please do think about following me on google-plus, Facebook or twitter ...

Start Page - Date and Time

Displays the current date and time with Bing's daily wallpaper on new tabs, with an optional weather widget.


7 天前 · Time ⌚. Embrace the essence of time with our elegant Time Chrome theme! Featuring sleek clock designs and timeless aesthetics, this theme ...

Google Chrome Time Widget

Google Chrome Time Widget. Inspirational designs, illustrations, and graphic elements from the world's best designers. Want more inspiration?

Download or remove Chrome themes

Download and add a Chrome theme · On your computer, open Chrome. · At the top right, click More More and then · Under Appearance, click Themes. You can also go ...

Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme

When you browse in Dark mode or Dark theme in Chrome, your homepage, toolbar, settings, and some other pages will be dark.

[Help] Trying to get a chrome theme that changes based on time

[Help] Trying to get a chrome theme that changes based on time. I found this cool set of [wallpapers] (https://www.reddit.com ...

Clock Chrome Themes

ThemeBeta.com is a web site for Theme Designers to create and share Chrome Themes online. ThemeBeta.com is not sponsored or affiliated by Google Inc.


Youcantestoutdifferentcolors,themesandsettingsinrealtimebyopeninganewtabinChromeandclickingthe“CustomizeChrome”iconinthebottomright ...,TrueDarkBlackTheme,easyfortheeyes,fittedforanytypeofdisplay,butespeciallyforAmoledscreens.Slinky典雅.4.7(5645).,DownloadmyfreecustomchromethemesforGoogle.Mythemesareupdatedregularlytoo.Pleasedothinkaboutfollowingmeongoogle-plus,Facebookortwitter ...,Displaysth...