
Video Intelligence API documentation

The Video Intelligence API allows developers to use Google video analysis technology as part of their applications. The REST API enables users to annotate ...

Video AI and intelligence

Ideal for mass media companies, Video Intelligence API can automatically analyze content and make the results immediately accessible via the API. Use case ...

Using the Video Intelligence API with Python

The Video Intelligence API enables you to use Google video analysis technology as part of your applications. In this lab, you will focus on using the Video ...

Using the Video Intelligence API with C#

Overview. Google Cloud Video Intelligence API allows developers to use Google video analysis technology as part of their applications.


A simple app that lets you visualise annotations from the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API using your local files.

Machine Learning(五):Cloud Video Intelligence API 介紹與實作

Google 近期發佈了一個新的雲端機器學習API:Cloud Video Intelligence API。該API 可用來識別影片中顯示的物體,並以JSON 格式輸出分析結果:.

See what Video Intelligence API can do with this visualisation tool

I built a visualiser for the Google Cloud Video intelligence API that allows anybody to explore all of the features of the API.

How to analyze real time videos with Cloud Video Intelligence API

I have an RTSP link and I need to analyze it with the Cloud Video Intelligence API (such as number of people and object detection) and save this analysis in ...

Cloud Video Intelligence API Demo

Introducing Cloud Video Intelligence API. Demo by Google Developer Advocate, Sara Robinson. For more info about Cloud Video Intelligence ...

Getting Started With Google Cloud Video Intelligence API In Python

Google Cloud Video Intelligence provides powerful tools for quickly identifying objects, scenes, and activities in your videos.


TheVideoIntelligenceAPIallowsdeveloperstouseGooglevideoanalysistechnologyaspartoftheirapplications.TheRESTAPIenablesuserstoannotate ...,Idealformassmediacompanies,VideoIntelligenceAPIcanautomaticallyanalyzecontentandmaketheresultsimmediatelyaccessibleviatheAPI.Usecase ...,TheVideoIntelligenceAPIenablesyoutouseGooglevideoanalysistechnologyaspartofyourapplications.Inthislab,youwillfocusonusingth...