
Get video descriptions | Generative AI

Video Description on Vertex AI is a Preview offering, subject to the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Google Cloud Service Specific Terms. Pre-GA products and ...

Video Intelligence

Analyze video content to detect entities (such as humans, animals, objects, and landmarks), flag adult content, and mark scene changes.

Video AI and intelligence

Easily create intelligent video apps. Gain insights from video in near real time using streaming video annotation and trigger events based on objects detected. Video Intelligence API · Streaming video annotation · Pricing · Tutorials

Machine Learning(五):Cloud Video Intelligence API 介紹與實作

Google 近期發佈了一個新的雲端機器學習API:Cloud Video Intelligence API。該API 可用來識別影片中顯示的物體,並以JSON 格式輸出分析結果:.

Google Cloud

Welcome to Google Cloud. Our goal is to help you build, operate and grow your business. Subscribe to stay up to date with the latest in cloud - whether your ...

Google Cloud: The new way to cloud

Google Cloud: The new way to cloud. 59K views · 1 year ago ...more ... NEW VIDEO!! Woke Base•1.4M views · 34:37. Go to channel · Argentina ...

Google Cloud Platform | GCP Tutorial

A complete course about Google Cloud Platform Tutorial for beginners. In this 4 hour video, we will dive deep into GCP fundamentals, ...

Introduction to Google Cloud

39:20 Go to channel Google Cloud Tutorial for Beginners | 50 Services in 50 Minutes | Cloud Computing for Beginners

What is Google Cloud?

Google Cloud was a storage unit for anything you want to store on it. BOY O' BOY WAS I EVER WRONG!!!

Google Cloud Tech

The official YouTube channel for Google Cloud's technical community. Explore our how-to videos, see exciting demos, stay up to date with product news.


VideoDescriptiononVertexAIisaPreviewoffering,subjecttothePre-GAOfferingsTermsoftheGoogleCloudServiceSpecificTerms.Pre-GAproductsand ...,Analyzevideocontenttodetectentities(suchashumans,animals,objects,andlandmarks),flagadultcontent,andmarkscenechanges.,Easilycreateintelligentvideoapps.Gaininsightsfromvideoinnearrealtimeusingstreamingvideoannotationandtriggereventsbasedonobjectsdetected.VideoIn...