
Try it! | Cloud Vision API

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Vision AI: Image and visual AI tools

Vision AI uses image recognition to create computer vision apps and derive insights from images and videos with pre-trained APIs. Learn more.. Cloud Vision API documentation · Features list | Cloud Vision API · Pricing

google-cognitive-apis - crates.io

Library wrapping Google speech-to-text, text-to-speech and dialogflow APIs. Provides high level API layer wrapping the underlying complexity ...

google-cognitive-apis-custom - crates.io

Asynchronous Rust bindings for Google Cloud Platform cognitive gRPC APIs. Provides high level interfaces wrapping complexity of low-level GRPC ...

google_cognitive_apis - Rust

Asynchronous Rust bindings for Google Cloud Platform cognitive gRPC APIs. Provides high level interfaces wrapping complexity of low-level GRPC implementation.


Asynchronous Rust bindings for Google Cloud Platform cognitive gRPC APIs. Provides high level interfaces wrapping complexity of low-level GRPC implementation.

Google, Microsoft 和Amazon 機器學習圖片影片辨識API 的比較(四)

... Intelligence – Google 的影像識別API 在開發初期就比Amazon Rekognition 和Microsoft Cognitive Services 提供的功能較為缺乏。 目前的API 提供了以下工具集: • 標記 ...

Google cognitive actions reference - Power Automate

Google cognitive services allow you to process unstructured data through machine learning and simplify complicated tasks like text analysis and computer vision.

Google API 是什麼?一次搞懂五種Google API,聽說讀寫樣樣通!

這次介紹的Google API 主要依從人類基礎的四種能力:聽說讀寫衍伸而成,以下將介紹Vision API、Speech API、Translation API、Natural Language API、Video ...

【動手玩系列#1】Google Cloud Vision API

Cloud Vision API 可說是用來「理解」圖片內容的工具,就如同語音方面使用Cloud Natural Language API 來「理解」字句中的意義一樣。

