Google Drawings Basics

Createyourownself-portrait·GetinspiredbyVanGoghandmoreinfluentialartists·TurnYourselfIntoVincentvanGogh·YouKnowVanGogh,ButWhatAbout ...GoogleCulturalInstitute·Play·Discover·Favorites,Createshapesanddiagrams.Addsomecolortoyourdocuments,presentatio...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Google Arts & Culture

Create your own self-portrait · Get inspired by Van Gogh and more influential artists · Turn Yourself Into Vincent van Gogh · You Know Van Gogh, But What About ... Google Cultural Institute · Play · Discover · Favorites

Google Drawings

Create shapes and diagrams. Add some color to your documents, presentations, and websites with easy to create charts and diagrams.

Google Drawings

Choose from a wide variety of shapes to create diagrams and charts.

Google 繪圖


Create Diagrams in Google Drawings

Follow these steps to create a diagram in Google Draw: select google drawings from the more menu, type your new file name at the top, select page set up.

Quick, Draw!

Help teach it by adding your drawings to the world's largest doodling data set, shared publicly to help with machine learning research.

Google Drawings

Google Drawing is a cloud based drawing app from Google. Google Drawing is a stand alone app, but is also embedded into other apps in the GSuite.

Learn how to use drawings & markups

On your computer, open a document. In the top left, click Insert and then Drawing and then New. Insert shapes, lines or text with the editing tools.


AutoDraw. Fast drawing for everyone. AutoDraw pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help you draw stuff fast.

Google Drawings the Complete Overview for Beginners

In this video, the Complete Overview of Google Drawings for Beginners. Create amazing digital art and ... Build a FREE Website with Google Sites.


Createyourownself-portrait·GetinspiredbyVanGoghandmoreinfluentialartists·TurnYourselfIntoVincentvanGogh·YouKnowVanGogh,ButWhatAbout ...GoogleCulturalInstitute·Play·Discover·Favorites,Createshapesanddiagrams.Addsomecolortoyourdocuments,presentations,andwebsiteswitheasytocreatechartsanddiagrams.,Choosefromawidevarietyofshapestocreatediagramsandcharts.,您可以選擇各式各樣的圖形建立所需圖表。,Follo...

SUMO Paint。專業的線上繪圖軟體

SUMO Paint。專業的線上繪圖軟體
