How to use Google Drive for Desktop

StartingJuly19,2021:BackupandSyncwillsupportaguidedflowtohelpuserstransitionontoDrivefordesktop.·StartingAugust18,2021: ...,BackupandSyncstoredfilesonacomputer,whileGoogleDriveFileStreamcreatedthefolderinthecloudandsentallthefilesthereforcloudsto...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Backup and Sync users should begin transitioning to Drive for desktop

Starting July 19, 2021: Backup and Sync will support a guided flow to help users transition onto Drive for desktop. · Starting August 18, 2021: ...

Google Backup and Sync

Backup and Sync stored files on a computer, while Google Drive File Stream created the folder in the cloud and sent all the files there for cloud storage. The app was later renamed Drive for Desktop and merged with Google Backup and Sync app .

Google Drive is saying Sorry, Backup and Sync needs to quit.?

Reinstalling google drive worked for me. I did uninstall via revouninstaller (portable), deleted reg keys and folders, that revo found, reboot.

How can I get back Backup and Sync instead of Google Drive for ...

Today when I cranked up my PC, my drive (backup/restore) local folder had changed to a Google drive Icon which I clicked on and then it appeared ...

Backup and Sync folder on the PC after update to the new Google ...

Recently, Backup and Sync app has been retired and Google Drive app has taken its place. Google Drive app on my computer automatically ...

Google Drive is now Backup and Sync? Error

Looks like it's been fixed on the server side now, if you uninstall/reinstall it downloads & installs Version 1.32.4889.9221 from the update ...

A few years ago, Google killed Drive and replaced it with Backup ...

A few years ago, Google killed Drive and replaced it with Backup and Sync. Now Google just killed Backup and Sync and replaced it with Drive.

Google Backup and Sync: Is It Really Backup?

While Google Backup and Sync does keep secured backups of your important files, it is not a true backup solution.

Google Drive Backup and Sync for PC Tutorial

Google drive is a free Cloud storage service provided by google . You can keep back up your computer data to avoid any data loss.

Google Drive for desktop is replacing Backup and Sync (Update) You can download it here: ...


StartingJuly19,2021:BackupandSyncwillsupportaguidedflowtohelpuserstransitionontoDrivefordesktop.·StartingAugust18,2021: ...,BackupandSyncstoredfilesonacomputer,whileGoogleDriveFileStreamcreatedthefolderinthecloudandsentallthefilesthereforcloudstorage.TheappwaslaterrenamedDriveforDesktopandmergedwithGoogleBackupandSyncapp.,Reinstallinggoogledriveworkedforme.Ididuninstallviarevouninstaller(porta...