
Launch Google Maps | Maps SDK for Android

Using Maps URLs, you can build a universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps and perform searches, get directions and navigation, and display map views ...

Maps SDK for Android Quickstart

Create a Google Maps project in Android Studio · Right-click on the app folder in your project. · Select New > Google > Google Maps Views Activity. Add a maps ...

Google Earth Engine

Google Earth Engine combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities. Earth Engine · To register for Earth Engine · Data Catalog · Platform

Google Earth for Android

評分 4.4 (700) · 免費 · Android Google Earth is an app that allows you to explore any place in the world by means of precise satellite images.

Google Earth

評分 4.0 (2,973,022) · 免費 · Android Create and collaborate on immersive, data-driven maps from anywhere, with the new Google Earth. See the world from above with high-resolution satellite imagery. Actualización ·

Google 地圖- 導航和大眾運輸

評分 3.6 (18,657,223) · 免費 · Android Google 地圖涵蓋了超過220 個國家/地區和領域,還有數億筆商家和地點資料。取得GPS 即時導航、車流量和大眾運輸資訊,並透過世界各地的餐飲、遊覽資訊,暢遊當地區域。 即時 ...

Integrating Google Earth Enterprise to Android application

I need to add Google Earth Enterprise maps to an Android mobile application. Is there an SDK like the normal Google Maps API for android.

Google Earth Engine Apps

Earth Engine Apps · Dynamic, publicly accessible user interfaces for Earth Engine analyses. · Get started. · Curated Applications. Linked Maps · Split Panel · Ocean Timeseries Investigator · Mosaic Editor

Earth Versions

Make immersive, data-driven maps from your phone or tablet. Browse the globe, add placemarks, and annotate your maps with a swipe of your finger.

Google Earth

The world's most detailed globe. Climb the tallest mountains.Discover cities around the world.Dive into the world's deepest canyons. Earth Versions · Earth View · Take a tour · Resources


UsingMapsURLs,youcanbuildauniversal,cross-platformURLtolaunchGoogleMapsandperformsearches,getdirectionsandnavigation,anddisplaymapviews ...,CreateaGoogleMapsprojectinAndroidStudio·Right-clickontheappfolderinyourproject.·SelectNew>Google>GoogleMapsViewsActivity.Addamaps ...,GoogleEarthEnginecombinesamulti-petabytecatalogofsatelliteimageryandgeospatialdatasetswithplanetary-scaleanalysiscap...