Forest Chrome Extension

Forestisanappthathelpsyoustayfocusedontheimportantthingsinlife.Wheneveryouwanttostayfocused,plantatree.,ForestExtension.5.0(.2ratings.)ExtensionWorkflow& ...,ForestisafreeGoogleChromeextensiondesignedtohelpyoufocusandnotgetdistractedbyInternetsit...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Forest is an app that helps you stay focused on the important things in life. Whenever you want to stay focused, plant a tree.

Forest Extension

Forest Extension. 5.0 (. 2 ratings. ) ExtensionWorkflow & ...

Forest is a really cool Chrome extension to help teachers ...

Forest is a free Google Chrome extension designed to help you focus and not get distracted by Internet sites. Once installed, you can click on the icon to ...

Forest: Focus for Productivity

Can't stop scrolling? Lack of self-control? Forest is the solution that has the cutest focus timer to help you stay focused and boost productivity!


2024年2月14日 — Forest: stay focused, be present. offered by ... To download to your desktop sign into Chrome and enable sync or send yourself a reminder ».

Forest: stay focused, be present

Also, it would be great if the icon for the forest extension had a little label that shows the time remaining even if it's rounded up in minutes/hours.


2024年2月16日 — Forest: stay focused, be present is a Chrome add-on that provides a self-motivated and interesting method to help users beat Internet addiction.


保持專心也可以這麼容易. Forest 利用一個輕鬆有趣的方式,幫助您遠離網路成癮的干擾。每當您希望有一段專心工作的時間,您可以在Forest 中種下一顆種籽。

Learn How to Use Forest Chrome Extension in <5 Minutes

2023年4月6日 — How to Use the Forest Chrome Extension · Step #1: Download the Extension · Step #2: Log into Your Existing Account · Step #3: Sync Your Progress.


Forestisanappthathelpsyoustayfocusedontheimportantthingsinlife.Wheneveryouwanttostayfocused,plantatree.,ForestExtension.5.0(.2ratings.)ExtensionWorkflow& ...,ForestisafreeGoogleChromeextensiondesignedtohelpyoufocusandnotgetdistractedbyInternetsites.Onceinstalled,youcanclickontheiconto ...,Can'tstopscrolling?Lackofself-control?Forestisthesolutionthathasthecutestfocustimertohelpyoustayfocuse...