Google Chrome extension

•OptiontomonitoranyGmailorcustomlabelsorevenallmail•OptiontoruninbackgroundwhenGoogleChromeisclosedandstillgetnewemailalerts ...,OpenGmail.·Atthetopright,clickSettingsSettingsandthenSeeallsettings.·ClickFiltersandBlockedAddresses.·Checktheboxnext...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Checker Plus for Gmail™

• Option to monitor any Gmail or custom labels or even all mail • Option to run in background when Google Chrome is closed and still get new email alerts ...

Create rules to filter your emails

Open Gmail. · At the top right, click Settings Settings and then See all settings. · Click Filters and Blocked Addresses. · Check the box next to the filter.

Fix spelling & grammar as you type in Gmail

You can have Gmail check the spelling and grammar of your emails as you write. On your computer, open Google Gmail. Click Settings and then Settings. At the ...

How can let Chrome "Google Mail Checker" only show ...

2013年8月30日 — After installing the extension, open it's option page and navigate to the Accounts/Labels tab. You can configure which labels (e.g., Important ...

How to change the Google Mail Checker extension ...

2023年6月20日 — Open the Google Mail Checker extension. · Click the Settings gear icon. · Click the Accounts tab. · Click the Add account button. · Enter the email ...

Mastering Email Checker on Gmail

2023年6月29日 — Mastering Email Checker on Gmail: The Ultimate Guide. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make the most ...

Spell Checking Email Messages Before Sending in Google Mail

2020年10月22日 — Set Automatic Spelling Options. On your computer, open Google Gmail; Click the gear Settings and select Settings; At the top, click General ...

The Best Email Checker Download Options

2023年7月6日 — The Best Email Checker Download Options: A Comprehensive Guide · 1. Email Checker Pro · 2. Google Mail Checker · 3. Email Verifier · 4. Checker Plus ...


•OptiontomonitoranyGmailorcustomlabelsorevenallmail•OptiontoruninbackgroundwhenGoogleChromeisclosedandstillgetnewemailalerts ...,OpenGmail.·Atthetopright,clickSettingsSettingsandthenSeeallsettings.·ClickFiltersandBlockedAddresses.·Checktheboxnexttothefilter.,YoucanhaveGmailcheckthespellingandgrammarofyouremailsasyouwrite.Onyourcomputer,openGoogleGmail.ClickSettingsandthenSettings.Atthe ...,201...