
Get Location Sharing notifications

To get Location Sharing notifications, turn on Google Maps notifications. Tip: Learn how to share your real-time location with others.

How to get alerts in Google Maps when friends arrive ...

2022年9月15日 — In Google Maps on your device, tap your friend's or family's icon. · A menu will appear. · Choose between their current location, your location, ...

how to receive notifications of navigation through Google ...

2013年3月17日 — 1 Answer 1 ... It can read notifications that are up in the notification bar. You can get it to trigger every time the Navigation notification ...

New Google Maps Tool Alerts Friends When You Make It to ...

2022年7月31日 — If you receive an alert that someone wants to be notified when you arrive or leave a location, you can choose to turn it off. Start by clicking ...


2024年2月17日 — Google Maps does not have a built-in feature to set alerts or alarms for reaching specific locations along a route. However, you can achieve ...

Reporting & Monitoring Overview

Reviewing this information can also alert you to any unexpected interactions that might occur between your applications and the Google Maps Platform services.

Turn Google Maps notifications on or off

Turn Google Maps notifications on or off · On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps . · Tap your profile picture or initial Account Circle ...

Why would I get notifications from Google Maps saying my ...

2024年1月18日 — Yes, Google Maps location sharing typically notifies the other person when you start sharing your location with them. They will receive a ...


TogetLocationSharingnotifications,turnonGoogleMapsnotifications.Tip:Learnhowtoshareyourreal-timelocationwithothers.,2022年9月15日—InGoogleMapsonyourdevice,tapyourfriend'sorfamily'sicon.·Amenuwillappear.·Choosebetweentheircurrentlocation,yourlocation, ...,2013年3月17日—1Answer1...Itcanreadnotificationsthatareupinthenotificationbar.YoucangetittotriggereverytimetheNavigationnotification ...,2022...