
Spotify Integrates With Google Maps for Music on Every ...

2018年10月1日 — The integration will be rolling out to all Google Maps users over the next few days. Ensure that you have the latest version of Spotify & ...

Play music while navigating - Android

Play music while navigating · On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps · Tap your profile picture or initial · Choose a media app · To change ...

Play music while navigating

Play music while navigating · On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app Maps · Tap your profile picture or initial · Choose a media app · To change your ...

Google Maps and Spotify

Spotify has teamed up with Google Maps to let you control your journey and your listening in one place. So you can get lost in the music, not the road! Note: ...

How to Use Google Maps Music Controls for Spotify, Apple ...

2021年10月24日 — Music Controls in Google Maps on Android ... Open Google Maps on your Android device and tap your profile icon in the top right, then select  ...

How to Get Music Controls in Google Maps on Android

2021年11月3日 — 2. Use Google Assistant to Control Your Music App · Open Google Maps and go to Profile > Settings > Navigation settings > Google Assistant ...

How to Use Your Favorite Music App Inside Google Maps

2018年11月2日 — Google Maps can now control your music while you're using turn-by-turn navigation. Here's how to connect the app to Spotify, Apple Music, ...


2018年10月1日—TheintegrationwillberollingouttoallGoogleMapsusersoverthenextfewdays.EnsurethatyouhavethelatestversionofSpotify& ...,Playmusicwhilenavigating·OnyourAndroidphoneortablet,opentheGoogleMapsappMaps·Tapyourprofilepictureorinitial·Chooseamediaapp·Tochange ...,Playmusicwhilenavigating·OnyouriPhoneoriPad,opentheGoogleMapsappMaps·Tapyourprofilepictureorinitial·Chooseamediaapp·Tochange...