
Notifier for Gmail Alternatives for Linux

Notifier for Gmail is not available for Linux but there are some alternatives that runs on Linux with similar functionality.

includelinuxnotifier.h - kernelmsm

* SRCU notifier chains are an alternative form of blocking notifier chains. * They use SRCU (Sleepable Read-Copy Update) instead ...

includelinuxnotifier.h - kernelmsm.git

Routines to manage notifier chains for passing status changes to any. * interested routines. We need this instead of hard coded call lists so.

gmail-notify - Linux Mint

Gmail Notifier is a Linux alternative for the notifier program released by Google, it is written in Python and provides an attractive and simple way to check ...


Simple Google Calendar notifier for Linux written in Kotlin using GTK lib. Installation: Debian/Ubuntu, Arch Linux, For Arch Linux users AUR package is ...

noelportugalgoogle-home-notifier: Send notifications to ...

Send notifications to Google Home. Installation: $ npm install google-home-notifier. Usage: var googlehome = require('google-home-notifier');

Gmail Notifier

Gmail Notifier is a Linux alternative for the notifier program released by Google, it is written in Python and provides an attractive and simple way to ...

GrNotify - The Linux Google Reader Notifier

GrNotify is a simple Python written tray application that will alow you to know when there are new items in the Google Reader.

A Gmail Notifier

gmail-notify Gmail Notifier is a Linux alternative for the notifier program released by Google, it is written in Python and provides an attractive and ...

Android 2 Linux Notifications

Android 2 Linux 通知(A2LN) 是一種在Linux 計算機上顯示Android 手機通知的方法。 它由手機上的應用程序和計算機上的服務器組成,它們通過LAN 進行 ...


NotifierforGmailisnotavailableforLinuxbuttherearesomealternativesthatrunsonLinuxwithsimilarfunctionality.,*SRCUnotifierchainsareanalternativeformofblockingnotifierchains.*TheyuseSRCU(SleepableRead-CopyUpdate)instead ...,Routinestomanagenotifierchainsforpassingstatuschangestoany.*interestedroutines.Weneedthisinsteadofhardcodedcalllistsso.,GmailNotifierisaLinuxalternativeforthenotifierprogramrel...