
Case study Google Tango

This allowed application developers to create user experiences that include indoor navigation, 3D mapping, physical space measurement, environmental recognition ...

GitHub - googlearchivetango-examples

2018年3月2日 — The Tango service is deprecated. Google continues AR development with ARCore, a platform designed for building augmented reality apps for a ...

Google to Shut Down Project Tango in Favor of ARCore

2017年12月18日 — Google announced on Friday that it would cease support for its Tango computer vision and augmented reality initiative on March 1, 2018.

JNI example projects for Project Tango [deprecated] C

2018年3月2日 — The Tango service is deprecated. Google continues AR development with ARCore, a platform designed for building augmented reality apps for a ...

Project Tango Tablet Development Kits coming to select ...

2015年8月4日 — The Project Tango Tablet Development Kit is a standard Android device plus a wide-angle camera, a depth sensing camera, accurate sensor ...


The Tango Tablet Development Kit is available in limited quantities, offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and comes with a 1-year, limited warranty. See ...

Tango (platform)

Tango was an augmented reality computing platform, developed and authored by the Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP), a skunkworks division of Google.

Tango developer workshop brings stories to life

2016年8月29日 — Tango can enhance storytelling by bringing augmented reality into our surroundings. Recently, the Tango team hosted a three-day developer ...


Thisallowedapplicationdeveloperstocreateuserexperiencesthatincludeindoornavigation,3Dmapping,physicalspacemeasurement,environmentalrecognition ...,2018年3月2日—TheTangoserviceisdeprecated.GooglecontinuesARdevelopmentwithARCore,aplatformdesignedforbuildingaugmentedrealityappsfora ...,2017年12月18日—GoogleannouncedonFridaythatitwouldceasesupportforitsTangocomputervisionandaugmentedrealityinitiat...