How to Convert Text to MP3 by Using Google Translate

雖然Google官方已經關閉Google翻譯小姐的語音下載功能,但其實只要透過Chrome瀏覽器內建的「開發人員工具」就能輕鬆辦到,到怎該怎麼做?快來看看這篇教學 ...,本篇內容除了教你如何使用Web版GoogleTranslate外,還會教你如何把朗讀的聲檔儲存為MP3。▽先進入transla...。參考影片的文章的如下:


【Chrome 教學】免錄音!Google 翻譯小姐的語音下載成MP3 檔案 ...

雖然Google 官方已經關閉Google 翻譯小姐的語音下載功能,但其實只要透過Chrome 瀏覽器內建的「開發人員工具」就能輕鬆辦到,到怎該怎麼做?快來看看這篇教學 ...

下載Google Translate聲音檔

本篇內容除了教你如何使用Web版Google Translate外,還會教你如何把朗讀的聲檔儲存為MP3。 ▽先進入 · Google Translate 網站. ▽在左邊 ...

Sound of Text

Sound of Text creates MP3 audio files from text and allows you to download them or play them in the browser — using the text to speech engine from Google ...

I cannot find translate_tts files for mp3 download anymore on my ...

The functionality to download an mp3 file of a translation voice output from a browser's developer window is removed.

How do I translate an audio recording to English?

You can translate audio content by: Upload the Audio File: Google Translate accepts various file formats such as wav. Choose the Target Language: Select ...

How to Convert Audio to Text with Google Translate

評分 4.8 (4,582) Use Transkriptor, a full-fledged AI audio to text converter to record audio and get 99% accurate transcriptions in seconds.

【科技新知】免用程式錄音!教你如何快速下載「Google翻譯小姐 ...

假如你也想借用Google翻譯小姐的聲音當作影片素材,其實除了透過電腦錄音外,還能用一個更快速的方法直接下載MP3音檔喔,趕快跟著傑昇小編一起試試看吧! 想要 ...

How do you download audio files from google translate?

This free website just directly uses Google's API and lets you download the audio: This Chrome extension allows you to ...

Convert Google Translate Voice into MP3 by Using This Simple Trick

For which ever reason you want to download a google translate sound into an MP3 file, this video is of a great help. #translation #voice ...


雖然Google官方已經關閉Google翻譯小姐的語音下載功能,但其實只要透過Chrome瀏覽器內建的「開發人員工具」就能輕鬆辦到,到怎該怎麼做?快來看看這篇教學 ...,本篇內容除了教你如何使用Web版GoogleTranslate外,還會教你如何把朗讀的聲檔儲存為MP3。▽先進入·GoogleTranslate網站.▽在左邊 ...,SoundofTextcreatesMP3audiofilesfromtextandallowsyoutodownloadthemorplaytheminthebrowser—usingthetexttosp...