
Google Cached Pages of Any Website

Google Cache is normally referred as the copies of the web pages cached by Google. Google crawls the web and takes snapshots of each page as a backup just in ...

Web Cache Viewer

Web Cache Viewer lets you right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback Machine or Google Cache versions of that page. When browsing the internet, ...

Web Cache Viewer

Quickly view older or cached versions of the current webpage. Web Cache Viewer lets you right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback ...

Google AMP Cache

The Google AMP Cache is a cache of validated AMP documents published to the web that is available for anyone to use. Overview · Accelerated Mobile Pages · Usage Limits · Pricing


您在Google Web Designer 中遇到的問題有時候只要清除快取就能解決。如要刪除快取,請前往下列位置: Windows:HD:-Users-<使用者名稱>-AppData-Local-Google-Google Web ...

清除快取和Cookie - 電腦

在電腦上開啟Chrome。 · 依序點選右上方的「更多」圖示 更多 下一步 「刪除瀏覽資料」。 · 選擇時間範圍,例如「過去1 小時」或「不限時間」。 · 選取要移除的資訊類型。 · 按 ...

「頁庫存檔」功能悄悄移除,Google 不再備份整個網路

如果某個網站關閉或遭到大規模變動,Google 搜尋提供「頁庫存檔」功能可以一窺網站過去樣貌以及相關資訊,然而這項功能已被悄悄移除。

Google Cache Search: View Cached Pages & Websites

The Google cache search tool will let you easily view cached pages and websites in Google's search index.

Google's web cache is going away. Here are 3 free replacements

Google's web cache is going away. Here are 3 free replacements. You won't be able to find an offline copy of a website within Google for much ...


Google Cache是Google在爬梳全球網頁時所拍攝的網頁原始HTM備份,內含記錄時的時間、網頁的URL,以及完整版本或純文字版,對使用者而言,可用來查看已經關閉、 ...


GoogleCacheisnormallyreferredasthecopiesofthewebpagescachedbyGoogle.Googlecrawlsthewebandtakessnapshotsofeachpageasabackupjustin ...,WebCacheViewerletsyouright-clickonanylinkorpagetoviewtheWaybackMachineorGoogleCacheversionsofthatpage.Whenbrowsingtheinternet, ...,Quicklyviewolderorcachedversionsofthecurrentwebpage.WebCacheViewerletsyouright-clickonanylinkorpagetoviewtheWayback ...,TheGoogleAMP...