how to post in istagram from web application account

Hi,Thecompattelrunner,exeprocessseemstobeinfectedwithgramblr.exe.Myvirusscannerhasblockedit.WhatdoIdonow?Kindregards.,WhenIdeleteitfromtheapplicationsfolder,itgetsdeleted,butstrangelyre-appearsinafewseconds,likesomevirus...Cansomeoneplease ...,So...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Hi, The compattelrunner,exe process seems to be infected with gramblr.exe. My virusscanner has blocked it. What do I do now? Kind regards.

How to remove Gramblr?

When I delete it from the applications folder, it gets deleted, but strangely re-appears in a few seconds, like some virus... Can someone please ...

Gramblr false positive - File Detections

Some of its installation files and keys are now listed in Malwarebytes, causing application errors for users. Trojan.Downloader, C:-Program ...


From Desktop to Instagram with Gramblr Uploader. Gramblr is a free application that allows users to upload photos and videos to Instagram from a computer.

Is Gramblr the best (only) way to upload pics from PC ...

Hey all. Been using Gramblr a year now with no issues. Tried to log in today and got a weird window saying wrong username/password. this is an instagram...

Gramblr safe ?

While I was using it I got banned. I wasn't posted a lot of picture or following a lot of people. No idea if it's because of Gramblr or not, ...


Adware.Grambler is Malwarebytes' detection name for a specific program called Gramblr that displays advertisements on the affected system.

What's your opinion on Gramblr? : rphotography

So I just discovered Gramblr. If you don't know what it is, its a desktop app that allows you to post to instagram from pc.

Is Gramblr safe for your account? : rInstagram

The likes and follows will likely be from bots, dummy, and potentially compromised accounts. I mean without having used the software the only ...

PUA.Win64.Gramblr.A - Threat Encyclopedia

This Trojan arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.


Hi,Thecompattelrunner,exeprocessseemstobeinfectedwithgramblr.exe.Myvirusscannerhasblockedit.WhatdoIdonow?Kindregards.,WhenIdeleteitfromtheapplicationsfolder,itgetsdeleted,butstrangelyre-appearsinafewseconds,likesomevirus...Cansomeoneplease ...,SomeofitsinstallationfilesandkeysarenowlistedinMalwarebytes,causingapplicationerrorsforusers.Trojan.Downloader,C:-Program ...,FromDesktoptoInstagramwith...