5 Free Graphic Design Apps For MAC (2024)



在App Store 上的「Graphic for iPad」

評分 3.0 (3) Graphic is a full-featured graphic design and illustration application for iPad. True desktop-class editing and illustration tools on the go.

在Mac App Store 上的「Graphic」

評分 4.3 (4) 需要macOS 10.7 或以上版本。 語言. 德文、日文、法文、簡體中文、義大利文、英文、西班牙文. 年齡分級: 4+. Copyright ...

Microsoft Designer

A graphic design app that helps you create professional quality social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, graphics, and more.

Canva: Design, Art & AI Editor

評分 4.8 (20,147,676) · 免費 · Android All-in-one design and editing app: picture & video editor, logo & collage maker. ... Channel your creativity: Apps for graphic design. Bring your vision to life.

Graphic Design

評分 4.3 (847) · 免費 · Android · 創建精美的圖形、Instagram 故事和貼文、YouTube 縮圖、商業標誌、橫幅、海報、邀請卡、相簿、簡報、名片等。 圖形設計應用程式可讓您建立和自訂社交媒體 ...

Canva:任何人都能輕鬆上手的Visual Suite

Canva 是免費的線上平面設計工具,你可以使用Canva 建立社交媒體貼文、簡報、海報、影片、標誌等等。


Powerful feature-packed vector drawing and illustration application designed specifically for Mac and iOS. Graphic for Mac · Graphic - Welcome · Graphic iPad · Graphic iPhone


Powerful feature-packed vector drawing and illustration application designed specifically for Mac and iOS.

5 best free design tools for social media graphics

Canva for template-based design. Adobe Express for scaling a side hustle. Pablo by Buffer for quickly making images to share on social media.


評分3.0(3)Graphicisafull-featuredgraphicdesignandillustrationapplicationforiPad.Truedesktop-classeditingandillustrationtoolsonthego.,評分4.3(4)需要macOS10.7或以上版本。語言.德文、日文、法文、簡體中文、義大利文、英文、西班牙文.年齡分級:4+.Copyright ...,Agraphicdesignappthathelpsyoucreateprofessionalqualitysocialmediaposts,invitations,digitalpostcards,graphics,andmore.,評分4.8(20,147,676)·免費·A...