
User scripts for youtube.com

Greasy Fork ; pip-my-youtube · Adds a button for watching YouTube videos in picture in picture mode while viewing comments. · Nakul Rawat ; YoutubeDefaultSpeed2 ...

執行於youtube.com 的使用者腳本

YouTube視頻&音樂廣告攔截 JS - 攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道.

Is there a YouTube script that will make it so...

2023年5月11日 — I can say I'm not interested in a certain video from someone, but new videos from them will always pop up in searches. I want to stop that.

Top 5 Greasemonkey Scripts for YouTube

Here are some best Greasemonkey scripts for YouTube, what you can use to turbocharge your experience. Install these greasemonkey scripts and get more.


Adds a button that lets you download YouTube videos. Taken from greasyfork.org. - anirudhkhanna/YouTube-Video-Downloader-Userscript.

Youtube anti ad block 5 second delay

2023年11月20日 — Hey youtube have just added a few lines of code that adds a five second delay when a video is clicked on or refreshed, i believe its ...


GreasyFork;pip-my-youtube·AddsabuttonforwatchingYouTubevideosinpictureinpicturemodewhileviewingcomments.·NakulRawat;YoutubeDefaultSpeed2 ...,YouTube視頻&音樂廣告攔截JS-攔截所有YouTube視頻廣告,音樂播放廣告,不留白,不閃屏,無感,體驗第一。已適配移動端,支持自定義攔截,添加影視頻道.,2023年5月11日—IcansayI'mnotinterestedinacertainvideofromsomeone,butnewvideosfromthemwillalwayspopupinsearches...


