
Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselectedregion,windoworfullscreen;youcanevencapturecomplete(scrolling)webpagesfromInternet ...,Greenshotallowsuserstocapturescreenshotsofaspecificwindow,region,orfullscreen.Userscanalsocapturescrollingscreenshotsoflong ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Take Screenshots with Greenshot on Windows

Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or full screen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet ...

Capture and Edit Screenshots with Ease

Greenshot allows users to capture screenshots of a specific window, region, or full screen. Users can also capture scrolling screenshots of long ...

Can I capture scrolling screenshots with Greenshot?

How to Capture Scrolling Screenshots with Greenshot · 1. Install Greenshot: · 2. Open the Webpage or Document: · 3. Activate Greenshot: · 4.


Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer. · Easily ... Downloads · Screenshots · Blog · FAQ

Does your team have plans to implement a scrolling capture feature?

I frequently use the scrolling capture feature in CleanShotX. When I switched to Greenshot, I couldn't find this feature. Do you have plans ...

[FEATURE-584] Capture scrolling window feature

Now the screenshot tool takes over: It clicks the down-arrow repeatedly, takes a capture after every click and connects the individual ...

How to capture a Scrolling screenshot?

The only way you can capture a scrolling window, is using Internet Explorer 11 and have Greenshot on automatic capture, and the internet explorer checkbox in ...

rGreenshot on Reddit

No, the latest release cannot do Scrolling Windows Screenshots in all browsers, despite an old blog article on their website claims it could ...

Greenshot – Screen Capture

Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window, or full screen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from your web browser.

Capturing screenshots of scrolling webpages and windows With ...

ShareX is opensource and free. Greenshot was a good tool but it could take scrolling ... How to Do a Scrolling Window Screen Capture with ...


Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselectedregion,windoworfullscreen;youcanevencapturecomplete(scrolling)webpagesfromInternet ...,Greenshotallowsuserstocapturescreenshotsofaspecificwindow,region,orfullscreen.Userscanalsocapturescrollingscreenshotsoflong ...,HowtoCaptureScrollingScreenshotswithGreenshot·1.InstallGreenshot:·2.OpentheWebpageorDocument:·3.ActivateGreenshot:·4.,Quicklycreatescreenshotsofas...