JG Mechanic (QBQboxESX)



What is ESX and CFX? - Server Discussion

ESX is a framework built on and for FiveM the multiplayer modification framework for GTA V and generally use to make roleplay servers.

FiveM Resource Development & Modding

Need help figuring out how to develop a modification? Want to discuss the best way to handle frobbing widgets?


Contribute to parbiz/GTA-5-FiveM-Server-esX- development by creating an account on GitHub.


FiveM RPG framework. ESX has 48 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

GTA5 RP FiveM ESX 殭屍模式完整服務器[更新+]

供應中 此服務器為殭屍動作服務器創建和設計服務器語言:ENG – 泰語所有腳本/地圖/車輛優化如此之高殭屍有很多動畫/皮膚框架:ESX 版/自定義殭屍殭屍(70) 包括: 同步殭屍。

GTA5 RP FiveM ESX 拳擊完整伺服器

供應中 此服務器為拳擊服務器創建和設計所有腳本/地圖/車輛優化+60 幀/秒有很多動畫/皮膚用於不同技能的拳擊+旗幟戰爭系統...... 你可以在這個包上找到任何關於拳擊的想法  ...


VAG contains a large number of FiveM and GTA5 files. Includes Fivem script, Fivem mods and Fivem leaks. FiveM · Fivem Scripts · Fivem Mods · Fivem Leaks

What ESX stands for? : rFiveM

ESX is the most common economy framework for FiveM. Economy servers are greatly different from others and they may specifically be interested in that kind of ...

FiveM RP最新開服教學[最方便安裝和導入ESX方法]

This content isn't available. FiveM RP最新開服教學[最方便安裝和導入ESX方法] ... Running From Cops with Batmobile in GTA 5 RP. CrazyCasey New 49K ...

我做了個GTA5 FiveM 火車地鐵工作模組ESX Train Job

成為頻道會員➔ http://2tou.cc/JoinYT 喜歡還不快訂閱➔ http://2tou.cc/SubTuTou --------------------------------------- 網路上翻文東摻西摻就做成 ...

