
Event setup Q&A

To create a new event, you can either use gtag.js code on your webpage or Google Tag Manager. If you use gtag.js, add your events anywhere below the Google tag ...

event tracking in google analytics using gtag.js

2018年10月25日 — I have single page application in Angular. There is a login button in the application. I wanted to track how many users are logged in using GA.


Automatically collected events are events that are sent from gtag.js or Tag Manager tags with no additional instrumentation on your part. Common examples of ...

Google Analytics 4 傳送自訂事件

2022年12月29日 — 本文介紹了通過gtag.js 和Google Tag Manager (GTM) 兩種方式來傳送GA4 的自訂事件,並詳細說明了如何正確安裝及配置GA4 追踪碼。

How can I track and send custom events with the new ...

2022年5月12日 — How can I track and send custom events with the new Google Analytics 4 (gtag.js)? ... I have an old website that's using the old Google Analytics ...

How to Track Events with Google Tag (gtag.js)

2024年5月6日 — Open the console and look for the “PointerEvent”. The purpose of this exercise is for you to understand what information is collected with the ...

Master Event Tracking with Google Tag for ...

2024年5月6日 — The article provides a comprehensive guide on how to track events with Google Tag (gtag.js) and send them to GA4.

Set up events

2024年4月10日 — This guide shows you how to set up recommended events and custom events on your website using the Google tag (gtag.js) or Google Tag Manager.

[UA→GA4] Tips for switching from analytics.js to gtag.js

Line 11: The gtag event directive will send an event. In snippets where ... [UA→GA4] Send analytics.js event, timing, and exception hits to Google Analytics 4.


Tocreateanewevent,youcaneitherusegtag.jscodeonyourwebpageorGoogleTagManager.Ifyouusegtag.js,addyoureventsanywherebelowtheGoogletag ...,2018年10月25日—IhavesinglepageapplicationinAngular.Thereisaloginbuttonintheapplication.IwantedtotrackhowmanyusersareloggedinusingGA.,Automaticallycollectedeventsareeventsthataresentfromgtag.jsorTagManagertagswithnoadditionalinstrumentationonyourpart.Commonexamp...