


在App Store 上的「GWENT

評分 4.6 (5,579) · 免費 · iOS 卡牌對戰一直是喜歡思考玩家的最佳選擇,這一款精緻且平衡度很好的遊戲,無論是音效、動畫都給玩家很棒的體驗,尤其是在短小手機銀幕呈現限制下,能給玩家帶來很棒的感受。

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game

評分 4.8 (56,064) · 免費 · iOS Join in The Witcher universe's favorite card game — available for free! Blending the CCG and TCG genres, GWENT sees you clash in fast-paced online PvP duels ...

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

It was released free-to-play first for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in 2018, and for iOS in 2019, Android in 2020, and macOS in 2021. Gwent is derived ...

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game - iOSMac

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GWENT: The Witcher Card Game - iOSMac - 技术

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Now available for iOS and Android ... We'll also notify you when the game's out on your smartphone platform of choice. Your e-mail address: Provide correct e-mail ...


Play GWENT — a strategy card game of choices and consequences, where skill, not luck, is your greatest weapon. GWENT Deck Library · The last GWENT World... · Play for free · Learn more


Requires iOS 12.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Supported devices include iPhone 6S or newer (including iPhone 11), iPad Mini 4 and ...

Sign up for GWENT iOS Closed Beta today!

GWENT will be released on iOS at the end of this month, but you can be among the first players to experience the game on the go!

The iOS version feels like a completely different game, and I think it's ...

The game have been rebuilt about a year ago in the so called Homecoming Update, which also marked the official Gwent release on PC(and consoles ...


評分4.6(5,579)·免費·iOS卡牌對戰一直是喜歡思考玩家的最佳選擇,這一款精緻且平衡度很好的遊戲,無論是音效、動畫都給玩家很棒的體驗,尤其是在短小手機銀幕呈現限制下,能給玩家帶來很棒的感受。,評分4.8(56,064)·免費·iOSJoininTheWitcheruniverse'sfavoritecardgame—availableforfree!BlendingtheCCGandTCGgenres,GWENTseesyouclashinfast-pacedonlinePvPduels ...,Itwasreleasedfree-to-playfirstforWindows,PlayStation4...