Hasselblad Stellar (Sony RX100 m1 in 2022)

ThisStellarreviewtakesalookatwhatHasselbladhasdonetoenhancethesupposedlyvanillaaestheticsoftheSonyRX100.,At$999,thisisagreatbuyforwhatyouaregetting.IfIwantedanRX100Icouldhavesaved$550,butIwantedTHIScameraandIenjoythe ...,ZHasselbladStellarIIwitha...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Hasselblad Stellar Review

This Stellar review takes a look at what Hasselblad has done to enhance the supposedly vanilla aesthetics of the Sony RX100.

Hasselblad Stellar Special Edition Video & Samples!

At $999, this is a great buy for what you are getting. If I wanted an RX100 I could have saved $550, but I wanted THIS camera and I enjoy the ...

Hasselblad stellar II: High-end compact camera

Z Hasselblad Stellar II with a compact camera with the option of wireless connection, we can stay connected everywhere. Superb photos, which we ...

哈蘇相機Hasselblad Stellar:是買一台相機還是買一個夢想?

實木握把當初也引發不少討論的話題,不過真的很好握而且配色上有加分效果,除此之外整體機身不再是冷冰冰的金屬觸感,對於機身的精緻度也提高不少。 DSC_6206 ...

A Review of the Hasselblad Stellar

The grip is possibly the most prominent feature of the Stellar and it doesn't do a bad job. The Lunar's grip was universally ridiculed for ...

Hasselblad Stella II vs Hasselblad Stellar相機比較,比較規格

Hasselblad Stella II vs Hasselblad Stellar 相機比較 ; 變焦能力:, 3.6X · 3.6X ; 數碼變焦:, 14X, 14X ; 光圈範圍:, F1.8 - 4.9, F1.8 - 4.9 ; 焦距變換比率:, -, - ; 自動 ...

Hasselblad introduces Stellar II luxury enthusiast compact

Stellar II is a unique object of desire. It blends eye-catching beauty with exceptional performance and comes with the latest tech innovations.

Hasselblad Stellar II Preview

Specifications. Type, HighEndCompact. Announced, 25/11/2014. Indicative price (USD), 2000. Sensor type, CMOS. Resolution, 5472 x 3648. Sensor photo detectors ( ...

Hasselblad Reveals Beautiful But Pricey Stellar II Compact

The Stellar II isn't for the budget-minded consumer. It's priced at $2,395, a big increase over the $649.99 for which the RX100 II sells. But if ...

Meet the Hasselblad Stellar II

In a world of aesthetic redundancy – the Hasselblad Stellar II stands alone as a BOLD, yet refined expression. A rich palette of fine woods was ...


ThisStellarreviewtakesalookatwhatHasselbladhasdonetoenhancethesupposedlyvanillaaestheticsoftheSonyRX100.,At$999,thisisagreatbuyforwhatyouaregetting.IfIwantedanRX100Icouldhavesaved$550,butIwantedTHIScameraandIenjoythe ...,ZHasselbladStellarIIwithacompactcamerawiththeoptionofwirelessconnection,wecanstayconnectedeverywhere.Superbphotos,whichwe ...,實木握把當初也引發不少討論的話題,不過真的很好握...