hawaii maui hostel
hawaii maui hostel


Hostels in Maui from $15Night

PricesforhostelsinMauistartatjust$41pernight.Basedonourlatestdata,AlohaSurfHosteliscurrentlythemostaffordablehosteltostayinMaui.On ...

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aloha surf hostel

We offer private and dorm rooms for the budget minded traveller. We offer free daily tours, free WiFi, breakfast, and lots more! The Hostel · Free Tours · Rates · Reservations

Howzit Hostels Maui, Wailuku (HI)

評分 8.1/10 (56) · room rates from per night (USD) - We Price Match! With an average price of $188 per room, this hostel offers a wallet-friendly option for travelers on a tight budget. Compared to the average price of a hotel ...

Hostels In Maui - Top Rated Hostels 2025

Aloha Surf Hostel is located in the historic town Paia, Maui. We offer free tours, free parking, free WiFi, pool table, hot tub, safe and luggage storage. Our ...

Hostels in Maui from $15Night

Prices for hostels in Maui start at just $41 per night. Based on our latest data, Aloha Surf Hostel is currently the most affordable hostel to stay in Maui. On ...


Howzit Hostels Maui is a Youth Hostel located in Wailuku, Hawaii. We pride ourselves on providing the best guest experience possible.

Howzit Hostels | Wailuku, Hawaii

Howzit Hostels is a Maui hostel based in Wailuku, Hawaii. Our youth hostel offers affordable rooms for travelers to relax, socialize and explore on Maui! Free Hostel Tours on Maui · Maui & Hawaii Travel Blog · Maui · Property Selec


Choose between co-ed dorms, women's dorms, and private rooms. Free breakfast, free tours, a large kitchen, and friendships that last a lifetime.

Banana Bungalow | Wailuku, Maui

Fun, affordable youth hostel with a lively social atmosphere and free tours around Maui. For budget travelers seeking adventure, relaxation, and community.

THE 10 BEST Maui Hostels 2025 (with Prices)

Hostels in Maui · 1. Howzit Hostels · 2. Banana Bungalow Maui Hostel · 3. Aloha Surf Hostel · 4. Hakuna Matata Maui · 5. Tiki Beach Hostel · 6.

Banana Bungalow Maui Hostel (懷露庫)

評分 4.0 (560) · (根據標準客房的平均房價) NT$6,736.00 - NT$6,736.00 这里的住客都非常迷人,聚会和游览他们都举办的超级好,非常享受在这里的时刻,我会再回来的。这真是一次难忘的体验,我会把它推荐给那些喜欢聚会,狂欢的人。 閱讀更多.


Weofferprivateanddormroomsforthebudgetmindedtraveller.Weofferfreedailytours,freeWiFi,breakfast,andlotsmore!TheHostel·FreeTours·Rates·Reservations,評分8.1/10(56)·roomratesfrompernight(USD)-WePriceMatch!Withanaveragepriceof$188perroom,thishosteloffersawallet-friendlyoptionfortravelersonatightbudget.Comparedtotheaveragepriceofahotel ...,AlohaSurfHostelislocatedinthehistorictownPaia,Maui.Weofferfr...