
Queen Kaʻahumanu Center

Queen Ka'ahumanu Center is Maui's largest, award-winning shopping center with over 100 stores, including national retailers like Macy's, Victoria's Secret and ...

10 Best Shopping Streets, Malls, and Markets in Maui

Where to Shop and What to Buy in Maui · Whalers Village · Lahaina Cannery Mall · Queen Ka'ahumanu Centre · Maui Mall.

Shopping Malls

Maui Shopping Malls · 1. Queen Kaahumanu Center · 2. Maui Mall · 3. Shops at Wailea · 4. Kihei Kalama Village · 5. Maui Harbor Shops · 7. Lahaina Cannery Mall · 8.

Shopping on Maui

The Whalers Village shopping center has a range of shopping gems, from Kate Spade and Oakley to local shops with Hawaiian shirts and other aloha wear.

10 Malls in Maui for the Perfect Shopping Experience

Approximately covering 137,000 sq. ft. of area, West Maui Shopping Center has mixed types of services available, all in one place.

10 Best Shopping Streets, Malls, and Markets in Maui

Maui Mall is a massive shopping centre in Kahului that's home to numerous shops and entertainment features and is known for its cultural shows. Notable shops ...

Explore things to do in Maui

Discover one of the best malls in Maui. Maui Mall Village offers shopping, dining, and entertainment for all. Start your shopping journey today!

The Shops at Wailea ::: Wailea ::

The Shops at Wailea is Maui's premier retail destination located in Maui's famed south shore, featuring more than 70 global retail luxury and lifestyle stores. Directory · Events · Directory Map · 10am-9pm

THE 10 BEST Maui Shopping Malls (2025)

3. Kihei Kalama Village · 4. Crazy Shirts · 5. Maui Mall · 6. Lahaina Cannery Mall · 7. Honokowai Marketplace · 8. Wailea Town Center · 9. Maui Marketplace · 10. Kukui ...


QueenKa'ahumanuCenterisMaui'slargest,award-winningshoppingcenterwithover100stores,includingnationalretailerslikeMacy's,Victoria'sSecretand ...,WheretoShopandWhattoBuyinMaui·WhalersVillage·LahainaCanneryMall·QueenKa'ahumanuCentre·MauiMall.,MauiShoppingMalls·1.QueenKaahumanuCenter·2.MauiMall·3.ShopsatWailea·4.KiheiKalamaVillage·5.MauiHarborShops·7.LahainaCanneryMall·8.,TheWhalersVillageshoppingc...