
Pricing - Dropbox Fax

Receiving faxes is available for paid accounts. When someone sends you a fax, we'll forward the fax to your email address as a PDF. Your fax number will work ...

Dropbox Fax

Sign in. or create an account. Sign in with Dropbox Sign in with Google. or. Email address. Password. Forgot your password? Remember me. Continue.


HelloFax has two primary features: 1) Send and receive faxes Put in a fax number and we'll send your document to a fax machine. If someone ...

How do I receive a fax?

To receive a fax, you'll need to subscribe to one of our paid plans. Buying and maintaining an inbound fax line costs us money, ...


評分 4.0 (1,961) 2) Receive faxes If someone sends you a fax, we'll forward it to your email and Google Drive as a PDF. You never have to touch a fax machine. 3) Sign documents ...

How to receive fax online from my HelloFax to my printer

Show how to receive your HelloFax faxes automatically to your printer with Automatic Email Manager.

HelloFax by Dropbox

Send faxes online from your Dropbox account and receive confirmation receipts. HelloFax makes it easy to sign documents and send faxes online. You'll never ...

Hello Fax - need to receive fax

I signed up for a free plan but now I need a receive number, so I tried to sign up But it did not work. It only allows USA, Canada and UK subscribers.

HelloFax: Top

With HelloFax, everyone in your company can conveniently send and receive faxes online. There's no more time spent waiting by a fax machine.


Receivingfaxesisavailableforpaidaccounts.Whensomeonesendsyouafax,we'llforwardthefaxtoyouremailaddressasaPDF.Yourfaxnumberwillwork ...,Signin.orcreateanaccount.SigninwithDropboxSigninwithGoogle.or.Emailaddress.Password.Forgotyourpassword?Rememberme.Continue.,HelloFaxhastwoprimaryfeatures:1)SendandreceivefaxesPutinafaxnumberandwe'llsendyourdocumenttoafaxmachine.Ifsomeone ...,Toreceiveafax,you'll...

HelloFax 線上免費傳真,每月最多傳真 25 頁

HelloFax 線上免費傳真,每月最多傳真 25 頁
