Hide The Dock, Folder & Widgets Background

WallpaperstohideDockandfolders.Calmcolors...ThecoloroftheDockismadebythebottomofthewallpaper,thecoloroffoldersismadebyentirely....​​​ ...,​ドックとフォルダを隠す白い壁紙。ドック内のフォルダは隠せません。WhitewallthathidestheDockandfolders.Folders...。參考影片的文章的如下:


イレイザー壁紙 タイプXEraser Type X

Wallpapers to hide Dock and folders. Calm colors ... The color of the Dock is made by the bottom of the wallpaper, the color of folders is made by entirely. ... ​​​ ...

ドックとフォルダを隠す白White to Hide Dock & Folders

​ ドックとフォルダを隠す白い壁紙。 ドック内のフォルダは隠せません。 White wall that hides the Dock and folders. Folders in the Dock cannot be hidden.

ドックとフォルダを隠す黒Black to Hide Dock & Folders

​ ドックとフォルダを隠す黒い壁紙。 ドック内のフォルダは隠せません。 Black wall that hides the Dock and folders. Folders in the Dock cannot be hidden.

ドックを隠す壁紙Hide Dock Wallpapers

iOSのドックやフォルダを隠す壁紙。Wallpapers to hide Dock and/or folders for iPhone.


2016年9月13日 — The wallpaper to make jet black Dock, and folders on the black background for no JB iOS 10! http://heyeased.weebly.com/black-in-black.html…

隠して見せる壁紙Hide and Show

Dock, folders, Lock screen buttons, the notch and the bezel, are each half of the screen, hide each other. In Dark Mode, Dock and folders are basically darker ...

魔法のフォルダの壁紙Magic Folders

Make folders invisible. (Dock is visible.)​ (Untested on some devices.)​. ​iPhone 7/6s/6/​SE1 ?


WallpaperstohideDockandfolders.Calmcolors...ThecoloroftheDockismadebythebottomofthewallpaper,thecoloroffoldersismadebyentirely....​​​ ...,​ドックとフォルダを隠す白い壁紙。ドック内のフォルダは隠せません。WhitewallthathidestheDockandfolders.FoldersintheDockcannotbehidden.,​ドックとフォルダを隠す黒い壁紙。ドック内のフォルダは隠せません。BlackwallthathidestheDockandfolders.FoldersintheDockcannotbe...