Hi-Res Audio

High-resolutionaudioisatermforaudiofileswithgreaterthan44.1kHzsamplerateorhigherthan16-bitaudiobitdepth.Itcommonlyrefersto96or ...Definitions·History·Controversy,TrueHi-ResAudioisgenerallyconsideredtobe96kHz/24-bitorbetter.TheHi-ResAudiologoonpro...。參考影片的文章的如下:


High-resolution audio

High-resolution audio is a term for audio files with greater than 44.1 kHz sample rate or higher than 16-bit audio bit depth. It commonly refers to 96 or ... Definitions · History · Controversy

Audio Solutions Question of the Week: What is High

True Hi-Res Audio is generally considered to be 96 kHz/24-bit or better. The Hi-Res Audio logo on products certifies that a product meets the Hi-Res Audio ...

What Is High-Resolution Audio?

CDs, for example, are only standardised at 44.1kHz/16bit while the most commonly used High-Res Audio specifications are 24bit/96kHz and 24bit/192kHz, providing ...

The Beginner's Guide to High-Resolution (Hi-Res) Audio

In technical terms, it means bit depths of at least 24 bits and sampling rates of at least 48 kHz — higher than a standard CD's quality of 16 bits and 44.1 kHz.

Hi-Res Audio | High

There is no single standard for High Resolution Audio, but the most commonly used specifications are 24bit/96kHz(3.2x more data transmitted than CD) and 24bit/ ...

High Resolution Audio

There is no single standard for High-Resolution Audio, but the most commonly used specifications are 24-bit/96 kHz (3.2x more data transmitted than CD) and 24- ...

Hi-Res Audio | High-Resolution Audio for Best Sound Quality

There is no single standard for High-Resolution Audio, but the most commonly used specifications are 24 bit/96 kHz (3.2x more data transmitted than CD) and 24 bit/192 kHz (6.5x more data transmitted than CD) . High-Resolution Audio music may be encod

What is high-resolution audio? And is hi

Hi-res audio tends to refer to music files that have a higher bit depth and/or sampling frequency than CD, which is specified at 16-bit/44.1kHz.


高解析度音訊(英語:High-resolution audio)也被稱為High-definition audio或Hi-Res audio,是一些錄製音樂零售商和高保真還音裝置供應商所使用的行銷術語。


High-resolutionaudioisatermforaudiofileswithgreaterthan44.1kHzsamplerateorhigherthan16-bitaudiobitdepth.Itcommonlyrefersto96or ...Definitions·History·Controversy,TrueHi-ResAudioisgenerallyconsideredtobe96kHz/24-bitorbetter.TheHi-ResAudiologoonproductscertifiesthataproductmeetstheHi-ResAudio ...,CDs,forexample,areonlystandardisedat44.1kHz/16bitwhilethemostcommonlyusedHigh-ResAudiospecifications...