
Better History | Manage, Export & Delete History

Sleek History Manager: Powerful Search, Bulk Export, Delete Custom Selected, By Day, Hour, and Block Specific Domains from History.    

View Chrome History

A simple Chrome history manager which is user friendly and has an simple UI. This extension will replace Chrome's default history manager.

chrome.history | API

Use the chrome.history API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query for URLs in the browser's history.

Google Chrome

It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, built with free software components from Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. ... Versions were later released ... Chrome Frame · Chrome extensions · Anti-competitive practices · Privac

Your data in Search

Your Search history is saved to your Google Account as part of your Web & App Activity, along with activity from other Google services.

Welcome to My Activity

Welcome to My Activity. Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you've searched ... Android - Google Maps Help · Android - Google Account Help · Sign in

Check or delete your Chrome browsing history

Websites you've visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history, and find related searches in Chrome. Google Chrome Help · Search the web in Chrome · iPhone & iPad

Check or delete your Chrome browsing history

Websites you've visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history, and find related searches in Chrome.

Google Chrome History Location

Chrome history is mainly stored within SQLite databases located in the Chrome profile folder. Browser History Examiner is a forensic software tool for ...

How to clear the Google Chrome Browser History

Click on the icon with the three dots (top right) and go to the History menu. Click History again. Alternatively, simply press [Ctrl] + [H] ...


SleekHistoryManager:PowerfulSearch,BulkExport,DeleteCustomSelected,ByDay,Hour,andBlockSpecificDomainsfromHistory.  ,AsimpleChromehistorymanagerwhichisuserfriendlyandhasansimpleUI.ThisextensionwillreplaceChrome'sdefaulthistorymanager.,Usethechrome.historyAPItointeractwiththebrowser'srecordofvisitedpages.Youcanadd,remove,andqueryforURLsinthebrowser'shistory.,Itwasfirstreleasedin2008forMicrosoftW...


