


License for font family 'HK Grotesk'

This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.

HK License Official RegularVersion 1.0-Download-LikeFont

LikeFont font download provides services such as font preview, font search, third-party font download and commercial font license purchase.


HKLicenseOfficial Version 1.0 font (Font family name: HK License Official; Font style name: Regular), 80 characters in total.

chiron-fontschiron-hei-hk: 昭源黑體:現代筆形風格

昭源黑體(Chiron Hei HK) 是一款開源免費黑體字型。本字體收字量大、具現代感,而且字重豐富,用於熒幕顯示、紙本印刷皆宜。 注意:本字體跟另一款英文名稱為Chiron Sans ...

HK License Official Regular Version 1.0

HKLicenseOfficial Version 1.0 font(Font family name:HK License Official,HK License;Font style name:Regular,Official),80 characters in total.

GovHK 香港政府一站通:香港增補字符集

《香港增補字符集》包含香港政府及市民在中文電子通訊有需要使用的特別中文字符。於桌上電腦而言,市民及政府部門共同使用《香港增補字符集》後,便能更有效及準確地進行 ...

Product | DynaFont

An annual license plan which gives freedom to use over 200 Traditional Chinese fonts, as well as Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean DynaFont. DynaFont ...

HK License Official RegularVersion 1.0-字體下載

字體全稱:, HK License Official Regular. 字體家族:, HK License Official. 字體風格:, Regular. 字體版本:, Version 1.0. 字元數:, 80. 字形數:, 79. EM組織:, 1000.

Noto Sans Hong Kong

Noto Sans HK is an unmodulated (“sans serif”) design for languages in Hong Kong that use the Traditional Chinese variant of the Han ideograms.

HongKong Font | Webfont & Desktop

起價:US$50.00 供應中 HongKong Font Family was designed by Gaetan Baehr and published by Indian Type Foundry. HongKong contains 14 styles and family package options.




