


Where is the $HOME folder located?

2015年10月19日 — $HOME is an environment variable that contains the location of your home directory, usually /home/$USER . The $ tells us it's a variable.

Home directory

A home directory is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system. The specifics of the home ...

How to go to home directory in Linux using cd command

2022年2月22日 — In this tutorial, we show you several different ways to use the cd command to go back to the current user's home directory on a Linux ...

How to find a user's home directory on linux or unix?

2009年1月29日 — To find the home directory for user FOO on a UNIX-ish system, use ~FOO . For the current user, use ~ .

Tips on how to structure your home directory

2023年9月4日 — Someone wrote me an email and asked if I could share some tips on how to structure the $HOME directory, so here we go.

How can I find out how much space my home directory is ...

To find the Linux host on which your home directory resides, run df ~. If the Filesystem displayed begins with /, your home directory resides on the ...

Linux Home Directory

The Linux home directory is a directory for a particular user of the system and consists of individual files. It is also referred to as the login directory.

Linux directory structure

2016年3月9日 — A brief intro to /home directory in Linux/Unix. The /home directory is a place where by default all user home directories are created.


2015年10月19日—$HOMEisanenvironmentvariablethatcontainsthelocationofyourhomedirectory,usually/home/$USER.The$tellsusit'savariable.,,Ahomedirectoryisafilesystemdirectoryonamulti-useroperatingsystemcontainingfilesforagivenuserofthesystem.Thespecificsofthehome ...,2022年2月22日—Inthistutorial,weshowyouseveraldifferentwaystousethecdcommandtogobacktothecurrentuser'shomedirectoryonaLinux ...,2009年1...