Implementations using this feature provide a mechanism for resistively pulling these pins to −VIN potential (device ground), through the backplane wiring.
To hot swap safely, connectors with staggered pins are often used to ensure that grounds and local power are established before other connections are made.
Hot swap connectors are used when someone wants to change, repair, or add to their functional system without interrupting it. Sometimes they're used for ...
Hot swapping is the replacement or addition of components to a computer system without stopping, shutting down, or rebooting the system; hot plugging ...
2012年3月2日 — First, the ground pins connect in order to allow for the electrostatic discharge, secondly the pre-charge pins connect in order to limit ...
• Hot-short - Output of a Hot Swap is shorted to ground when the Hot Swap is on. • Start-up into short - Powering up a board when the output and ground are ...
2003年12月29日 — This article discusses the function operation of hot-swap controllers. It details hot-swap features and trends, as well as tips for layout ...
Hot-swap means the removal and replacement of an electronic device or module without powering down or shutting down the system. Click here to learn more.