how to transfer data from iphone to iphone
how to transfer data from iphone to iphone


Use Quick Start to transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad


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3 ways to transfer data from an old iPhone to a new iPhone

Once you have backed up your old iPhone into iCloud, turn on your new iPhone. Proceed in the setup process and connect the new iPhone to WiFi. In the “Apps & Data” -view, select “Restore from iCloud Backup” and sign in to iCloud. Choose the backup you

4 Methods to Transfer Data from iPhone to iPhone

There are plenty of plausible ways to transfer data from iPhone to iPhone, including the popular iCloud and iTunes, as guided in this article.

How to transfer data from iPhone to iPhone

2023年4月12日 — 1. First, go to Settings and tap General. Then scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap Transfer or Reset iPhone.

How to Transfer Your Old Phone's Data to Your New iPhone

2024年7月3日 — How to Transfer Your Old Phone's Data to Your New iPhone · 1. Restore from iCloud · 2. Apple direct transfer · 3. Use a Mac or PC · 4. Move to ...

Transfer Content - iPhone to iPhone

From your old iPhone's open the. Settings app · Tap the. Apple profile · Tap. iCloud · Tap the switch(es) to turn backups for specific apps (e.g., Contacts, ...

Transfer Your Old iPhone Data to Your New iPhone 16 ...

4 天前 — Transfer Your Old iPhone Data to Your New iPhone 16 Without the Trauma · 1. Restore from iCloud · 2. Apple direct transfer · 3. Use a Mac or PC.

Use Quick Start to transfer data to a new iPhone or iPad

2024年6月10日 — Make sure that your current device is connected to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is on. Turn on your new device and place it near your current device.

