How to use Steam Mover to move your games from ...

2022年7月1日—WiththeMoveInstallFolderfeature,youcanmoveindividualgamestonewlibraryordrive,butifyouwanttomovemultiplegamestoanother ...,WhenSteamMovercanworknormally,youcanuseittotransfergamesfromonedrivetoanotherdrive.Next,IwillshowyouhowtouseSte...。參考影片的文章的如下:


3 Methods to Help You Move Steam Games to Another Drive

2022年7月1日 — With the Move Install Folder feature, you can move individual games to new library or drive, but if you want to move multiple games to another ...

A Safe Steam Mover Alternative

When Steam Mover can work normally, you can use it to transfer games from one drive to another drive. Next, I will show you how to use Steam Mover step by step.

Can someone explain to me how Steam Mover works?

2016年1月12日 — Reading the description, it copies the files from one drive to the other & then uses a Junction Point which is a older type of Symbolic Link ( ...

Does Steam Mover truly move the files? :

2019年1月5日 — I'm trying to move all steam games from an internal hdd to external and don't want the game cluttering both drives. Last edited by ...

I made a software to move games between disks

2016年12月29日 — SteamMover and SteamTool are using NTFS Junctions, it doesn't really move the games. If a game is on your HDD and moved to your SDD using this ...

Steam Mover -

If you want to move games back to your C:- drive, simply click on the left arrow button. Pro's. You can store all your steam games on multiple drives, and they ...

Steam Mover Moves Installed Programs to a Different Drive

2010年8月30日 — How does it work ? SteamMover use the built-in feature XCopy to move the application from its original place to a location of your choice.

Steam Mover Relocates Applications to Free Up Space ...

2010年9月2日 — Steam Mover works by moving all the data in the associated folder to your secondary drive; it then simply makes a link to the new folder you ...

Steam Mover, Automated Tool To Move Games And Apps ...

2010年9月3日 — Steam Mover is a free program for Microsoft Windows devices to move Steam and program folders to another location without losing ...


2022年7月1日—WiththeMoveInstallFolderfeature,youcanmoveindividualgamestonewlibraryordrive,butifyouwanttomovemultiplegamestoanother ...,WhenSteamMovercanworknormally,youcanuseittotransfergamesfromonedrivetoanotherdrive.Next,IwillshowyouhowtouseSteamMoverstepbystep.,2016年1月12日—Readingthedescription,itcopiesthefilesfromonedrivetotheother&thenusesaJunctionPointwhichisaoldertypeofSymbolicLin...