How To Bypass The Password & Activate Administrator ...

GotocontrolpanelnavigatetoAdministrativetoolsandcomputermanagement.ExpandtheLocalusersandGroupsarrowandselectUsers.Then,Fromtheright ...,1.3GototheBootmenu,selecttheCDorUSBdisc(ifneed,setittothefirstoption),pressF10,savethechanges,exitBISOsetting...。參考影片的文章的如下:


3 Ways to Enable Administrator Account in Windows 7

Go to control panel navigate to Administrative tools and computer management. Expand the Local users and Groups arrow and select Users. Then, From the right ...

Enable Administrator account in Windows 7 with CMD

1.3 Go to the Boot menu, select the CD or USB disc (if need, set it to the first option), press F10, save the changes, exit BISO setting and reboot computer.

Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7 ...

To activate the Administrator account on Windows, run Command Prompt as Administrator from the Start Menu or Power User Menu, then enter net user ...

How do I enable the built

2009年8月26日 — 1. Click the Start button, and then type cmd ; 2. At the command prompt, type net user administrator /active:yes, and then press ENTER ; 3. Type ...

How To

To enable the hidden Administrator account, please follow the steps below: Open an elevated command prompt. There are a number of methods for opening an ...

Windows 7 Administrator Account

To enable the built-in Administrator's account by using the Command Prompt please follow these steps: 1. Click Start and type CMD, then press Enter. It is best ...

Windows 7 Administrator account disabled?

2013年9月29日 — Right-click the Administrator account and select Properties. The Administrator Properties window appears. On the General tab, clear the Account ...


GotocontrolpanelnavigatetoAdministrativetoolsandcomputermanagement.ExpandtheLocalusersandGroupsarrowandselectUsers.Then,Fromtheright ...,1.3GototheBootmenu,selecttheCDorUSBdisc(ifneed,setittothefirstoption),pressF10,savethechanges,exitBISOsettingandrebootcomputer.,ToactivatetheAdministratoraccountonWindows,runCommandPromptasAdministratorfromtheStartMenuorPowerUserMenu,thenenternetuser ...,2009...