How to Record PS3 Gameplay | Step-by

GoontoyourvideosontheXBMandlookforthedevice.Whenyou'reonthedevicepresstriangleitwillshowdisplayallandinformation.Pressdisplayall ...,Todothis,selectthe“createnewuser”iconunderthe“users”tabusingtheleftjoystickandXbutton.Second,typeinyourdesireduse...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Get Videos From Youtube to Your PS3

Go onto your videos on the XBM and look for the device. When you're on the device press triangle it will show display all and information. Press display all ...

Playing You Tube Videos on a PS3 Using an IPhone.

To do this, select the “create new user” icon under the “users” tab using the left joystick and X button. Second, type in your desired user name and click OK.

How do you get the YouTube app for PS3?

2015年7月1日 — Go to the Playstation store. You will need an internet connection. Search “youtube” and the app should pop up. Its free. Then Download it. It ...

How to connect my phone to my PS3 to make YouTube ...

2020年5月30日 — On your PS3 , go to Settings and select Network Settings . 3 . Choose Internet Connection Settings and then select Custom . 4 . Select Wireless ...

Any way to make Youtube work on PS3?

2021年10月27日 — Go to the apps section of the store and YouTube is listed near the bottom on the North American store. One thing I have noticed with YouTube on ...


GoontoyourvideosontheXBMandlookforthedevice.Whenyou'reonthedevicepresstriangleitwillshowdisplayallandinformation.Pressdisplayall ...,Todothis,selectthe“createnewuser”iconunderthe“users”tabusingtheleftjoystickandXbutton.Second,typeinyourdesiredusernameandclickOK.,2015年7月1日—GotothePlaystationstore.Youwillneedaninternetconnection.Search“youtube”andtheappshouldpopup.Itsfree.ThenDownloadit.It .....