How to Access Apple iCloud on Mac or PC

1.OpenyourFinder,andclickiCloudDrivefromthesidebar.2.ThenyoucanopeniCloudDrivefilesandmanagethemlikeonthe ...,YoucanaccessiCloudintwowaysonaPC:bydownloadingtheiCloudControlPanelorviaaWebbrowser.,SimplyclickontheiClouddesktopiconlocatedinthetaskba...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Access iCloud Drive on Windows PCs in 3 Easy Ways

1. Open your Finder, and click iCloud Drive from the sidebar. 2. Then you can open iCloud Drive files and manage them like on the ...

How to Connect to iCloud From a PC - Small Business

You can access iCloud in two ways on a PC: by downloading the iCloud Control Panel or via a Web browser.

How to use iCloud for Windows 10

Simply click on the iCloud desktop icon located in the taskbar or on the desktop to access your iCloud services. HiDrive Cloud Storage. Store ...

How to Use iCloud for Windows | A Full Guide in 2025

1. Please go to the iCloud download page to download iCloud for Windows. · 2. Hit the Download iCloud for Windows from the Microsoft Store link > Get in Store ...

How to use iCloud with Windows

It's easy: just navigate to using your browser and log in using your Apple ID and password. In a neat touch, any active Reminders you might have will ...

iCloud - Free download and install on Windows

評分 2.7 (6,046) · 免費 · Windows · With the iCloud for Windows app, you can access photos, files, passwords, and other important information from your iPhone or other Apple ...

iCloud for Windows 10! [EVERYTHING EXPLAINED] - 2020

Learn how to install and use iCloud for Windows 10 on your Windows computer in this step-by-step tutorial. This iCloud for Windows 10 review ...

iCloud for Windows 11 - How to INSTALL & SYNC your ...

This video is for users of who want to sync information like Photos, bookmarks, passwords, documents and more from their iPhone, iPad or Mac ...

Set up iCloud for Windows on your PC

Set up iCloud for Windows. Sign in to your Apple Account. Make sure to sign in to the same Apple Account that you use on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac.


1.OpenyourFinder,andclickiCloudDrivefromthesidebar.2.ThenyoucanopeniCloudDrivefilesandmanagethemlikeonthe ...,YoucanaccessiCloudintwowaysonaPC:bydownloadingtheiCloudControlPanelorviaaWebbrowser.,SimplyclickontheiClouddesktopiconlocatedinthetaskbaroronthedesktoptoaccessyouriCloudservices.HiDriveCloudStorage.Store ...,1.PleasegototheiClouddownloadpagetodownloadiCloudforWindows.·2.HittheDownloadi...

Windows Pager 1.02 - 類似Xwindow的虛擬桌面

Windows Pager 1.02 - 類似Xwindow的虛擬桌面
