Turn Screen Recordings into Engaging GIFs



15 Best GIF Recorders in 2025 [Windows & Mac]

評分 4.3 (21,320) · In this article, you'll find the best GIF recorders and step-by-step instructions on how to make a GIF from screen recordings.

Free Gif Screen Recorder

Record and share high-quality Gif videos with Loom's free screen recorder. Capture your screen, webcam, or both easily in just a few clicks.

GIF Editor, Video Recorder

... capture your screen, crafting high-quality GIFs is a breeze with just a few taps. Your creations will be securely stored as high-quality ...

GIF Editor, Video Recorder - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

Your creations will be securely stored as high-quality GIFs or videos, devoid of any watermarks. Record screens and take screenshots within a ...

GIF Recorder - Create GIFs from Screen Recordings

評分 4.8 (424,618) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Dropbox Capture makes creating a GIF from a screen recording simple. Record your screen, edit your clip, download it as a GIF, and share—it's that easy.

GIF Recorder : rsoftware

Resize its window to select area · Click Record · A dialog box will appear to ask you where do you want to save the GIF file · Click Stop.

Screen recording software to generate gifs

You can use: sharex (Windows) - screen recorder (https://getsharex.com/) GifTuna (Mac, Windows ...) - convert videos to gifs (http://giftuna.io/)

Screen To GIF Recorder

Capture any area of your screen as an animated GIF in just a few clicks. Our GIF recorder is designed for both ease of use and speed.

Screen to GIF Recorder: Capture GIFs by Screen Recording

評分 4.8 (6,466) Start recording and trim your screen recording down to the section you want to turn into a GIF. Click “Export Project” and select “GIF” as the output format.


Free screen recorder tool, which lets you record, edit and save as a gif, video or other formats.


評分4.3(21,320)·Inthisarticle,you'llfindthebestGIFrecordersandstep-by-stepinstructionsonhowtomakeaGIFfromscreenrecordings.,Recordandsharehigh-qualityGifvideoswithLoom'sfreescreenrecorder.Captureyourscreen,webcam,orbotheasilyinjustafewclicks.,...captureyourscreen,craftinghigh-qualityGIFsisabreezewithjustafewtaps.Yourcreationswillbesecurelystoredashigh-quality ...,Yourcreationswillbesecurelystor...

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔
