Clean Your Mac in a Click

YouwilllikelyhavetoforcequitSafari.Todothis,pressCommand+option+esc,selectSafari,andpressForceQuit.RelaunchSafari.If ...,OpenitinSystemPreferences,thenclickontheLogInItemstab.SelecttheitemfromthelistandclickontheDelete[-]buttontoremoveit.Somesoft...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How do I get rid of Mackeeper Popups in Safari?

You will likely have to force quit Safari. To do this, press Command + option + esc, select Safari, and press Force Quit. Relaunch Safari. If ...

Remove MacKeeper Adware

Open it inSystem Preferences, then click on the LogIn Items tab. Select the item from the list and click on the Delete [-] button to remove it. Some software ...

How to remove MacKeeper virus

Go to > System Preferences...> Users & Groups. Make sure your profile is highlighted and the lock icon is unlocked, then click the Login Items tab.

How to Block MacKeeper Ads and Pop

To block MacKeeper's banner ad: 1. Click the X button in the top right Close ad banner 2. Click Report this ad Report this ad 3. Select the reason why you've ...

Uninstall MacKeeper

How to remove MacKeeper ad preferences Open Safari. Go to Preferences > Privacy. Type MacKeeper in the search box. Click Remove All and hit Remove Now to confirm.

How to uninstall MacKeeper from your Mac

Locate the MacKeeper app and drag it to the Trash. If you're prompted for your administrator password, type it in and click OK. You might then see another pop- ...

How to remove MacKeeper Part II (the pop-up edition)

In Chrome, open its preferences and in the Settings window click the “Show advanced settings” link. In the Privacy area click the Content ...

How to uninstall this annoying mackeeper support thing that keeps ...

Go to the Applications folder on your Mac. · Drag the MacKeeper app to the Trash. · You may be prompted for your administrator's password. Enter ...

remove mackeeper pop up ads : rapplehelp

Have you used the specific programs AppCleaner and Malwarebytes? Those usually do the trick for me. Best of luck! MacKeeper is a real doozy.

Stop Installing MacKeeper (and how to uninstall it) : rmac

Step One: do a Spotlight search for the word MacKeeper. If you see files that contain it, congratulations, help is on the way. Go through any of these ...


YouwilllikelyhavetoforcequitSafari.Todothis,pressCommand+option+esc,selectSafari,andpressForceQuit.RelaunchSafari.If ...,OpenitinSystemPreferences,thenclickontheLogInItemstab.SelecttheitemfromthelistandclickontheDelete[-]buttontoremoveit.Somesoftware ...,Goto>SystemPreferences...>Users&Groups.Makesureyourprofileishighlightedandthelockiconisunlocked,thenclicktheLoginItemstab.,ToblockM...