
Ripping Sprites

2009年7月2日 — -There Are 2 Ways: 1. Press Ctrl + 1,2,3,4,or/and 5. When You Get The Layer You Want, Take A Screen Shot Of The Game. 2. THIS IS HARD FOR SOME ...


How to use · Drag and drop the .win file onto the yyc_ripper.exe · PNG files will now be stored in the directory of the .win file ...


For Windows version: Extract the downloaded zip file and run Sprite Extractor On-the-go.exe to use it. It is tested and works perfectly in Windows 10/11!

Sprites & How To Rip Them (getting started)

Ripping sprites from gameplay is just like it sounds: you play the game until you see the sprite you want, and you screenshot it!

How to Rip Assets from Fangames for use on the Wiki

Ripping assets from games made in Clickteam is pretty easy: all you need is the game's .exe file, and CTFAK 2.2. I also recommend having a .zip extraction ...

Ripping sprites from pc game

2016年5月11日 — Hey guys i got this old school pc windows 98 game that is 2d. How hard would it be to rip sprites from a game like this?

How can i rip the spritessounds etc from the games?

2018年4月10日 — You can use this romhacking tool. It lets you open up the .wad files and covert the image files from TGA into PNG.

how to rip sprites from exe games?

2022年10月25日 — i've been trying to rip sprites from an exe game (SONIC.EXE specifically (yes)) but i cant find a good method to do so

How to rip sprites from .exe games?

2016年12月30日 — First thing to try: Open GGD (whichever one you picked) and in GGD, open the EXE file. Search through the EXE in the various modes. If you spot ...


2009年7月2日—-ThereAre2Ways:1.PressCtrl+1,2,3,4,or/and5.WhenYouGetTheLayerYouWant,TakeAScreenShotOfTheGame.2.THISISHARDFORSOME ...,Howtouse·Draganddropthe.winfileontotheyyc_ripper.exe·PNGfileswillnowbestoredinthedirectoryofthe.winfile ...,ForWindowsversion:ExtractthedownloadedzipfileandrunSpriteExtractorOn-the-go.exetouseit.ItistestedandworksperfectlyinWindows10/11!,Rippingspritesfromgameplayi...