How to uninstall a driver Windows 10

GototheViewsectionandenabletheShowhiddendeviceoption;·Nowfindyourdeviceinthelist,right-clickonit,andselectUninstall ...,1.GototheinstallationfolderofMyDrivers.MostofthetimesitislocatedinC:-ProgramsfilesorC:-Programfiles(x86)·2.Locateuninstall.exe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Completely RemoveUninstall a Driver in Windows

Go to the View section and enable the Show hidden device option; · Now find your device in the list, right-click on it, and select Uninstall ...

How to completely uninstall My Drivers

1. Go to the installation folder of My Drivers. Most of the times it is located in C:-Programs files or C:-Program files(x86) · 2. Locate uninstall.exe or ...

How to uninstall drivers from Device Manager

Launch Windows Device Manager. Find the target device (for example, Mice and other pointing devices -> Synaptics Pointing Device). Right-click and select the Uninstall option . There should be a popup window next to the device driver to confirm th

How to Uninstall Version 15 Driver (Windows 10) - Support

There are 2 ways to uninstall your Version 15 driver from your Windows computer. Method 1: Driver Click the About tab then the Uninstall button.

Removing drivers from Windows driver store

Run Command Prompt as an administrator. · Enter the command: pnputil.exe -e · A list of all INF files for installed drivers appears. The files are listed as oem< ...

Uninstalling a driver completely

To completely remove the driver, please follow the below steps: For Windows 11/10/8.1 Right-Click Start Button and Select Device Manager.

Uninstalling the Driver (Windows 10) - Download Center

Right-click the Start menu, click Control Panel, and then click Uninstall a program. Select the driver of the machine you want to delete by clicking it, and ...

Using Device Manager to Uninstall Devices and Driver Packages

First, open Settings (you can do this using the Windows+I keyboard shortcut) and type Remove. Select Add or remove programs.

[Windows 1110] How to uninstall Apps, Windows installed updates ...

Right-click the device you want to remove its driver③, and then select [Uninstall device]④. Confirm whether you want to uninstall this driver or ...


GototheViewsectionandenabletheShowhiddendeviceoption;·Nowfindyourdeviceinthelist,right-clickonit,andselectUninstall ...,1.GototheinstallationfolderofMyDrivers.MostofthetimesitislocatedinC:-ProgramsfilesorC:-Programfiles(x86)·2.Locateuninstall.exeor ...,LaunchWindowsDeviceManager.Findthetargetdevice(forexample,Miceandotherpointingdevices->SynapticsPointingDevice).Right-clickandselecttheUnins...