How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2011 Mac

2022年1月8日—DeleteMSFTOFFICE2011fromMacBookAir·OpenFinder>Applications·FindandthendragtheMicrosoftOffice2011foldertoTrash.·Restart ...,2019年9月13日—UninstallOffice2011-macOS·1.OntheGomenu,clickHome.·2.HolddowntheOPTIONkeywhileyouclicktheGomenua...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Delete MSFT OFFICE 2011 from MacBook Air

2022年1月8日 — Delete MSFT OFFICE 2011 from MacBook Air · Open Finder > Applications · Find and then drag the Microsoft Office 2011 folder to Trash. · Restart ...

Help Sheets - Uninstall Office 2011

2019年9月13日 — Uninstall Office 2011 - macOS · 1. On the Go menu, click Home. · 2. Hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu and locate Library to ...

How to Completely Uninstall Office 2011 for Mac OS X

2015年4月3日 — Open your Applications folder and locate the Microsoft Office 2011 folder. Click and drag it to the trash.

How to Uninstall Office 2011 on Mac

2021年2月15日 — Step 1. Go to 'Finder' and then the 'Applications' folder. Click 'App Cleaner & Uninstaller' to open it. Launch ...

Troubleshoot Office for Mac 2011 issues by completely ...

Click Go > Applications. Drag the Microsoft Office 2011 folder to Trash. Note: Removing preferences using the steps below will delete any customizations that ...

Uninstall Microsoft Office 2011

2020年12月20日 — Go to the section, Manual Removal of Office 2011 for Mac, and ignore downloading the Remove2011 tool (Bash script) removal tool mentioned at the ...

Uninstall MS Office 2011 on a Mac?

2018年3月25日 — If you want to uninstall Office for Mac 2011, you can move the applications to the Trash. Once you've removed everything, empty the Trash and ...

Uninstall Office 2011 for Mac

2023年11月25日 — Click Go > Applications, and drag the Microsoft Office 2011 folder to Trash. Restart your computer. Cr.

Uninstall Office for Mac

If you put any of the Office applications in your Dock, go to each one and ctrl + click > Options > Remove from Dock. Restart your Mac to complete the uninstall ...


2022年1月8日—DeleteMSFTOFFICE2011fromMacBookAir·OpenFinder>Applications·FindandthendragtheMicrosoftOffice2011foldertoTrash.·Restart ...,2019年9月13日—UninstallOffice2011-macOS·1.OntheGomenu,clickHome.·2.HolddowntheOPTIONkeywhileyouclicktheGomenuandlocateLibraryto ...,2015年4月3日—OpenyourApplicationsfolderandlocatetheMicrosoftOffice2011folder.Clickanddragittothetrash.,2021年2月15日—Step1.Go...