Polar Grit X | How to use FuelWise™

WhenusingthePolarH10forthefirsttime,youneedtopairtheheartratesensorwithyourreceivingdevice.Formoreinformationonpairing,seethemobile ...,MorevideosonYouTube·Cleanit·Dryit·Wearit·Loosenit.Remembertoregularlylettheskinonyourarmbreatheandhavebreaksfr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Polar H10 User manual

When using the Polar H10 for the first time, you need to pair the heart rate sensor with your receiving device. For more information on pairing, see the mobile ...

Wear and care instructions for Polar devices with wrist

More videos on YouTube · Clean it · Dry it · Wear it · Loosen it. Remember to regularly let the skin on your arm breathe and have breaks from the ...


WhenusingthePolarH10forthefirsttime,youneedtopairtheheartratesensorwithyourreceivingdevice.Formoreinformationonpairing,seethemobile ...,MorevideosonYouTube·Cleanit·Dryit·Wearit·Loosenit.Remembertoregularlylettheskinonyourarmbreatheandhavebreaksfromthe ...