
Hello!Ican'tdownloadtheApphubiCforWindowsfromthisWebsite:,hubiC本身提供25GB免費儲存空間,如果用戶邀請朋友使用此服務...適用平台:Windows、MacOSX、Linux、Android、iOS、WindowsPhone;免費 ...,hubiCestádisponibleparausuariosconsistemaoperativoWindowsX...。參考影片的文章的如下:


hubiC App for Windows

Hello! I can't download the App hubiC for Windows from this Website:

【免費】100GB 雲端硬碟海量資料備份

hubiC 本身提供25GB 免費儲存空間,如果用戶邀請朋友使用此服務 ... 適用平台:Windows、Mac OSX、Linux、Android、iOS、Windows Phone; 免費 ...


hubiC está disponible para usuarios con sistema operativo Windows XP y superior, también disponible en Español, Inglés, and Alemán. La versión del programa es ...

Top 15 alternatives to hubiC for Windows

Find the best programs like hubiC for Windows. More than 15 alternatives to choose: Syncplicity, Xerver Free Web Server, VertrigoServ and more.

Download hubiC Free

hubiC allows you to store any file or folder in an online space, offering you 25 GB of storage space for free.

開源資料備份系統:Duplicati (一)

Duplicati 是採用C# 開發的備份系統,但憑藉著Mono Framework 的跨平台能力,同樣可以讓它運作在多種作業系統上,包括Windows 之外的Linux、macOS、FreeBSD 等。 ... HubiC ...

How to backup your data to HubiC

Hubic is a cloud storage provider supported by Backup4all to store your backups online. You can easily backup your data to your cloud Hubic account.

How to Start hubiC 247 as a Windows Service with AlwaysUp

To start hubiC as a Windows Service, switch back to AlwaysUp and choose Application > Start hubiC from the menu. After a few seconds, the starte should ...

Map or Mount Hubic as a Network Drive on Mac or Windows

Using ExpanDrive you can interact with hubiC through a virtual drive on your machine by mapping it as a drive letter on Windows or mounting it ...

The hubiC service is now closed to new subscriptions

評分 4.8 (476) New registrations for the hubiC service are now closed. Existing customers can continue to benefit from their services.


Hello!Ican'tdownloadtheApphubiCforWindowsfromthisWebsite:,hubiC本身提供25GB免費儲存空間,如果用戶邀請朋友使用此服務...適用平台:Windows、MacOSX、Linux、Android、iOS、WindowsPhone;免費 ...,hubiCestádisponibleparausuariosconsistemaoperativoWindowsXPysuperior,tambiéndisponibleenEspañol,Inglés,andAlemán.Laversióndelprogramaes ...,FindthebestprogramslikehubiCforWindows.Morethan15alternativestochoos...