I Am Malala

IAmMalala:TheStoryoftheGirlWhoStoodUpforEducationandwasShotbytheTalibanisanautobiographicalbookbyMalalaYousafzai,co-writtenwith ...,LearnhowMalalabeganherfightforgirls—fromaneducationactivistinPakistantotheyoungestNobelPeacePrizelaureate—andhowsh...。參考影片的文章的如下:


I Am Malala

I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban is an autobiographical book by Malala Yousafzai, co-written with ...

Malala's Story

Learn how Malala began her fight for girls — from an education activist in Pakistan to the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate — and how she continues her ...


I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World: Young Readers Edition. 外文書. 73 折 $305$ 418.

I Am Malala: 9780316381567

評分 4.5 (20,448) The story of Malala Yousafzai is remarkable in every way, and she is an amazing, courageous young lady. Her story is astounding; the circumstances that she ...

I Am Malala

供應中 書名:I Am Malala,原文名稱:我是馬拉拉,語言:英文,ISBN:9780316377560,頁數:320,出版社:Hachette Book Group,作者:Malala Yousafzai,Christina Lamb, ...

I Am Malala (美國學校用書)

書名:I Am Malala (美國學校用書),語言:英語,ISBN:9780316322423,出版社:Back Bay,作者:Malala Yousafzai,出版日期:2015/06/15,類別:

I Am Malala

本書是一部卓越非凡的故事,關於一個家庭因全球恐怖主義而遭到連根拔除的內容;一個奮力爭取女孩受教育權利的過程;一個關於一位父親,他身為學校校長,倡導並鼓勵他的女兒寫作 ...

I Am Malala

已售完 ISBN13:9781780226583. 出版社:Orion Publishing UK. 作者:Malala Yousafzai; Christina Lamb. 出版日:2014/10/09. 裝訂/頁數:平裝/320頁. 定價:NT$ 549 元.


IAmMalala:TheStoryoftheGirlWhoStoodUpforEducationandwasShotbytheTalibanisanautobiographicalbookbyMalalaYousafzai,co-writtenwith ...,LearnhowMalalabeganherfightforgirls—fromaneducationactivistinPakistantotheyoungestNobelPeacePrizelaureate—andhowshecontinuesher ...,IAmMalala:HowOneGirlStoodUpforEducationandChangedtheWorld:YoungReadersEdition.外文書.73折$305$418.,評分4.5(20,448)ThestoryofMalalaYo...