
iCheck使用注意:使用iCheck时需要自己引用相关的皮肤,官方提供了几套皮肤,每一套还有不同的颜色,使用之前一定要引入相关css,不然会出现checkbox无法 ...,文章浏览阅读2.2k次。iCheck概要表单复选框、单选框控件美化插件,主要作用为:渲染并美化当前页面的复选...。參考影片的文章的如下:



iCheck使用注意:使用iCheck时需要自己引用相关的皮肤,官方提供了几套皮肤,每一套还有不同的颜色,使用之前一定要引入相关css,不然会出现checkbox无法 ...


文章浏览阅读2.2k次。iCheck概要表单复选框、单选框控件美化插件,主要作用为:渲染并美化当前页面的复选框或单选框响应复选框或单选框的点击事件页面 ...


iCheck works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which may be customized by you or using one of the available ...

drgullinicheck: Highly customizable checkboxes and radio ...

iCheck works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which may be customized by you or using one of the available ...

super customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery & Zepto

iCheck plugin works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which may be customized by you or using one of the ...

Apply iCheck (jQuery plugin) to dynamically created CheckBoxes

I use the fantastic iCheck plugin to style my checkboxes in my form. With the plugin, I am able to just call $('input').iCheck() to apply the desired look and ...

iCheck.js in Meteor - jquery

This is how I got it working : Download and uncompress iCheck-master from the github repository. Copy icheck.js to client/lib/; Copy the css ...

用iCheck(jQuery 和Zepto) 插件定制复选框(checkboxes)和单选 ...

插件特色. 在不同浏览器和设备上都有相同的表现— 包括桌面和移动设备; 支持触摸设备— iOS、Android、BlackBerry、Windows Phone; 支持键盘导航— Tab、Spacebar、Arrow ...

jQuery Plugin For Beautifying Checkboxes And Radio Buttons

iCheck is a fancy and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create touch-enabled, fully accessible, highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons.


iCheck plugin. Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery and Zepto. Refer to the iCheck website for examples.


iCheck使用注意:使用iCheck时需要自己引用相关的皮肤,官方提供了几套皮肤,每一套还有不同的颜色,使用之前一定要引入相关css,不然会出现checkbox无法 ...,文章浏览阅读2.2k次。iCheck概要表单复选框、单选框控件美化插件,主要作用为:渲染并美化当前页面的复选框或单选框响应复选框或单选框的点击事件页面 ...,iCheckworkswithcheckboxesandradiobuttonslikeaconstructor.Itwrapseachinputwithadiv,whichmaybecustomizedb...