Install iCloud Drive on Windows 10 PC #howto



Download iCloud for Windows

With iCloud for Windows, you can access your photos, videos, mail, calendar, files, and other important information on your Windows PC.

How to Download ICloud for Windows in 2 Ways

You can download iCloud for Windows for free through the Microsoft Store or directly from the Apple website.

How to Use iCloud for Windows | A Full Guide in 2025

1. Please go to the iCloud download page to download iCloud for Windows. · 2. Hit the Download iCloud for Windows from the Microsoft Store link > Get in Store ...


iCloud is a file-sharing and storage solution for Apple device users. Now available on Windows, the software lets users store their documents, photographs, ...

iCloud - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 2.7 (260) · 免費 · Windows 透過「Windows 版iCloud」App,你可以在Windows PC 上存取來自你的iPhone 或其他Apple 裝置的照片、檔案、密碼和其他重要資訊。 iCloud 照片‧ 直接在「Microsoft 照片 ...

iCloud DownloadSetup on Windows 1011 PC, Mac, iOS, Android

In this post, you will learn how to download and install iCloud for Windows 10/11 PC, how to set up or access iCloud on Mac, iPhone/iPad, ...

iCloud for Windows

iCloud for Windows (iCloud Control Panel prior to version 4) is the Windows client for iCloud. The installer includes Apple Application Support, Apple Software

iCloud for Windows: Setup, Login, and Usage Guide

Download iCloud for Windows from the Microsoft Store. Install the app and sign in with your Apple ID. Choose which iCloud features you want to ...

Non-Microsoft Store Download : riCloud

Hi guys, I'm trying to download iCloud for Windows 10 without using the microsoft store app. Does anyone have a download link to one or know if ...

下載Windows 版iCloud

透過Windows 版iCloud,你可以在Windows PC 上存取你的照片、影片、郵件、行事曆 ... 部分功能須搭配最新版本的Windows 10 或以上版本。 Windows 版iCloud 不支援 ...


WithiCloudforWindows,youcanaccessyourphotos,videos,mail,calendar,files,andotherimportantinformationonyourWindowsPC.,YoucandownloadiCloudforWindowsforfreethroughtheMicrosoftStoreordirectlyfromtheApplewebsite.,1.PleasegototheiClouddownloadpagetodownloadiCloudforWindows.·2.HittheDownloadiCloudforWindowsfromtheMicrosoftStorelink>GetinStore ...,iCloudisafile-sharingandstoragesolutionforAppledevi...

Windows Pager 1.02 - 類似Xwindow的虛擬桌面

Windows Pager 1.02 - 類似Xwindow的虛擬桌面
