Using the iCloud Drive App (#1135)




Log in to iCloud to access your photos, mail, notes, documents and more. Sign in with your Apple ID or create a new account to start using Apple services.


2019年2月1日 — With the redesigned iCloud for Windows app, you can access photos, files, passwords, and other important information from your iPhone or ...

iCloud Drive

Store, organize and collaborate on files and folders with iCloud Drive. Easily upload, delete or recover files. Changes will sync across your devices with ...

iCloud Drive on the App Store

Access all of your documents in iCloud Drive right from the app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Features • Easily search for documents.

Sync for iCloud

Sync is built specifically to access iCloud photos, and iCloud files. Quickly view and upload files to iCloud by uploading from Sync. Features:

在App Store 上的「iCloud Drive」

直接在您iPhone、iPad 或iPod touch 的App 上取用iCloud Drive 中的所有文件。 功能• 輕鬆搜尋文件,或依照在Mac 上製作日期、名稱或標記來瀏覽。


2024年6月25日 — 下載iCloud軟體後,登入你的iCloud帳戶,勾選「iCloud Drive」後點擊「套用」即可。 Windows上開啟iCloud雲端. 在Mac上啟用iCloud雲碟. 前往Mac「系統偏好 ...


LogintoiCloudtoaccessyourphotos,mail,notes,documentsandmore.SigninwithyourAppleIDorcreateanewaccounttostartusingAppleservices.,2019年2月1日—WiththeredesignediCloudforWindowsapp,youcanaccessphotos,files,passwords,andotherimportantinformationfromyouriPhoneor ...,Store,organizeandcollaborateonfilesandfolderswithiCloudDrive.Easilyupload,deleteorrecoverfiles.Changeswillsyncacrossyourdeviceswith ......